The department of management and educational technologies took part in the organization and holding of the second International scientific forum "Adaptive processes in education-2023"

February 12, 2023


The II International scientific forum "Adaptive processes in education", held on February 7-8, 2023, brought together instructors and scientists from 20 regions of Ukraine and 4 countries of the world. The main mission of the forum was to clarify the essence and dissemination of technologies of adaptive processes in education in the conditions of wartime and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.


The forum was initiated by Public organization "School of adaptive management of social and pedagogical systems".

14 institutions - scientific, educational, cultural, both Ukrainian and foreign - joined the organization and holding of this large-scale event in terms of content and geography of participants. The forum was attended by 176 participants who, using a video conference on the Zoom platform, presented the results of scientific research and shared mechanisms for using adaptive technologies in the conditions of martial law and post-war recovery.


This year, the NULES of Ukraine joined the organizers and active participants of the forum.

In particular, research and teaching staff of the department of management and educational technologies of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy professor Zoya Ryabova and associate professor Vasyl Bazelyuk under the guidance of a professor Serhiy Kubitskyi took an active part in organizing the forum and, during the forum, introduced the scientific community to the best practices of the department. Directly, professor Serhiy Kubitskyi was a member of the Forum's organizing committee.


The forum worked in the following main areas:

Scientific panel 1: Adaptive processes in education under conditions of uncertainty. Moderator: Halyna Yelnikova, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.

Scientific Panel 2: Adaptation of the activities of teachers and research and teaching staff and applicants for education in the changing conditions of our time. Moderators: candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Larysa Bachieva, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Hanna Polyakova.

Scientific panel 3: Adaptive management of the process of forming professional competencies among future specialists in education. Moderator: Serhiy Belyaev, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.

Scientific panel 4: Adaptive management in education. Moderators: Oksana Bodnar, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor and Vasyl Kryzhko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor.

Scientific panel 5: Adaptive processes of information and analytical support for digital transformation of education and pedagogy. Moderator: Maryna Rostoka, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher.

Scientific panel 6: Organization of research activities on an adaptive basis. Moderator: Oksana Anufrieva, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor and Zoya Ryabova, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.

Scientific panel 7: Adaptive processes in the educational activities of domestic and foreign universities in the context of European integration. Moderators: Tetiana Bondarenko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor and Olena Sukhoverkhova, post-graduate student.

Scientific panel 8: Adaptive model of professional development of educational managers, teachers and research and teaching staff in the conditions of an open university of postgraduate education. Moderators: Valentyna Hladkova, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor and Vyacheslav Suprun, candidate of economics sciences, associate professor.

According to the program regulations, the forum began with a greeting of participants. Congratulatory words to the participants were said by: Halyna Yelnikova, chairman of the forum organizing committee, chairman of the Council of the public organization "School of adaptive management of social and pedagogical systems", doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor; Mykola Kyrychenko rector of the University of education management, doctor of philosophy, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of higher education of Ukraine; Svitlana Kretovych, head of the Department of education and science of the department for internal and humanitarian policy of the Office of the president of Ukraine; Gou Quandeng, deputy director of Neijiang Normal University, Information Construction and Service Centre, Deputy Director, People's Republic of China; Ihor Verbovskyi, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the educational department, associate professor of the department of professional and pedagogical, special education, andragogy and management of Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University; Maria Telovata, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, deputy director for research of the Institute of professional education of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.


After the greeting, an online presentation of scientific panels began, and presentations on the Forum program were held. The forum participants ' speeches can be found at YouTube channel07.02.2023 by link by link



For two days, forum participants participated in online discourse and offline discussion of speeches (tips, suggestions, suggestions, recommendations, presentation of ideas, etc.) in the scientific and educational environment of the Forum.

In conclusion, the scientific toloka "Kaleidoscope of impressions" was held online and the results were agreed upon and the Forum's recommendations were adopted. The scientific portfolio of the forum was formed.

Participants ' satisfaction and forum performance were determined online using Google-form. All respondents noted that the forum was organized at a high level. They also expressed gratitude to the organizers for the unity of concerned scientists and their unity around the issue of "adaptability", which is very relevant and necessary in conditions of uncertainty.

At the end of the forum, the recommendations of the participants were systematized and a forum resolution was adopted. It is planned to publish a collection of abstracts of participants and a monograph.

We are thankful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to hold the Forum! Everything will be Ukraine!



Zoya Ryabova,
professor of the department of management and educational technologies


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