Free to create the future

November 16, 2022

On November 21, Ukraine celebrates the day of dignity and freedom. On this day, with an interval of nine years, two of the most massive protests in modern Ukraine began: in 2004 – the Orange revolution, in 2013 – the Revolution of Dignity.

  Revolution of Dignity is a mass civil protest of the period November 21, 2013 – February 22, 2014, which lasted 94 days and was caused by unconstitutional actions of the authorities. The epicenter of events was the capital's Independence Square. The protest began under European integration slogans, and then turned into a long campaign of civil disobedience to the ruling Yanukovych regime against corruption and human rights violations, which showed the determination of Ukrainians to determine the democratic and European future of Ukraine, protect national identity and state independence.
The Orange revolution and the Revolution of Dignity are important stages of the national liberation struggle, which dates back to the time of the Ukrainian revolution and continues to this day as the russian – Ukrainian war.

  Thanks to the Revolution of Dignity, Ukraine has a new chance for civilizational choice, movement towards democracy, and purification from the rudiments of the totalitarian and misanthropic communist past. However, unlike the events of the Orange revolution, defending one's own dignity and freedom in the winter of 2013-2014 cost Ukraine the lives and health of many patriots.

  This day was established "with the aim of preserving and communicating to modern and future generations information about the fateful events in Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century, affirming the ideals of freedom and democracy, as well as honoring the patriotism and courage of citizens who in the autumn of 2004 and in November 2013-February 2014 stood up for the protection of democratic values, human and civil rights and freedoms, the national interests of our state and its European choice."

  The day of dignity and freedom is not only another memorable date in the calendar; this day symbolizes Ukraine's commitment to the ideals and principles of building a democratic state and the ideas of freedom. The events dedicated to the day of dignity and freedom are among the key moments of the Ukrainian state, significant points of consolidation of the people and the personification of deep transformations of public consciousness.

  I would like to conclude with the words of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, "We have paid and continue to pay a great price for freedom. And we will never forget all those who gave their lives for Ukraine. And we will never forgive those who took these lives and wanted to deprive us of our freedom. But the main thing is that no one has succeeded and will never succeed. For Ukrainians, there is nothing more precious than dignity and freedom. We proved this during the Orange revolution of 2004. We announced this to the whole world during the Revolution of Dignity in 2013. We prove this every day in the struggle for independence in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian nation is ready to continue defending its freedom, independence and dignity. After all, "we will not let anyone rule in our native land!» Never to anyone who would encroach on the territorial integrity of our state."


Natalia Yamnych,

senior lecturer of the department of English philology



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