The results of the intermediate attestation - the topic of the organizational hour of students of the 3rd group of the 3rd year of the shortened period of study

November 5, 2022

 An organizational hour was held remotely for students of the 3rd year of the 3rd group of the shortened study period of the "Forestry" specialty on November 4, 2022. During the meeting, attention was focused on urgent issues related to the transfer of the educational process to a distance form, the analysis of the results of the intermediate certification in the autumn semester, the preparation of students to participate in the All-Ukrainian student scientific and practical conference "Scientific search of youth for the sustainable development of the forest complex and horticulture". In the process of communication, it became clear that the students have various questions related to the course of the educational process, the timing of the winter exam term, the preparation of abstracts for reports to the student conference, etc.
At the beginning of the meeting, the attention was focused on the state of students' attendance at lectures and laboratory-practical classes, timely submission of practical and independent works, and modular testing.
The next issue was the analysis of the results of the attestation held in the current term. Unfortunately, the results of the certification in the group are not encouraging. Only one student (Y.M. Semerey) is certified in all disciplines, and two students (D.V. Redko and P.V. Andriichenko) are not certified in only one discipline. The rest of the students are not certified in two or more disciplines.
The special attention during the analysis of this issue was paid to those courses in which there were the most uncertified students. Such disciplines include "Forest plantattions", "Economics of forestry", "Information technologies in forestry". Of course, such results cannot be generally satisfactory for students studying on a reduced term and who have already received an associate's degree. As the students themselves note, such results were influenced by several factors, namely: a change in the forms of the educational process during this period (distance, face-to-face, distance again); sometimes the difficulty of independent processing of theoretical material and performance of laboratory-practical classes based on it; sometimes these are also reasons of a technical nature, which do not provide an opportunity to work qualitatively in remote mode.
Despite all the difficulties of an objective and subjective nature, each student of the group understands the need to intensify their work to correct the situation in the study of certain disciplines, attend lectures and laboratory-practical classes, and prepare well for the winter term. Special emphasis was placed on the need for active participation in the work of the All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference. Such basic tasks were set before the group until the next organizational hour, at which each student must report on their implementation.

Serhii Dudarets,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Forests Restoration and Melioration, group mentor
D. Redko,
head of the group


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