There is no false start in the rating

October 15, 2022

The 2022 rating campaign will start soon. However, preparations for its final phase continue throughout the year. And experienced humanitarians plan achievements several years in advance. After all, some types of work require not only intellectual effort, but also time multiplied by patience. What is the expectation of indexing an article in scientometric databases worth?
   This year, the faculty staff has been replenished with new research and teaching staff. How not to get lost in the maelstrom of the rating, how to reach the final with decent indicators, without being among the outsiders?

   This and other issues were discussed at the meeting of representatives of the rating commissions of the University and faculty with research and teaching staff, which took place on October 13. At the faculty of humanities and pedagogy such meetings are regular at the beginning of the new academic year, in order to inform new colleagues in advance, to answer multiple questions that already arise. Rating assessment of each employee's performance is a matter of prestige of the department, faculty, or university. Therefore, the meeting was attended by representatives of all levels: secretary of the University's rating committee Yaroslav Rudyk, chairman of the rating committee of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska with the secretary Olena Balalaeva, heads of departments with those responsible for filling out the rating electronic form and new team members.




    Secretary of the University's rating committee Yaroslav Rudyk introduced the general methodology for planning and accounting of employees' work, which is regulated by the relevant legislation regulation on planning and accounting of the work of scientific and pedagogical workers of NULES of Ukraine approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the University of May 27, 2022. Yaroslav Mykhailovych outlined the priority areas of the University's activities and noted that these priorities determine the main types of work of the SPP: educational, work based on the criteria of the national and research University, scientific, educational, scientific and innovative, international, educational, methodological, educational and organizational, their planned volume, distribution and time standards.


   Yaroslav Rudyk explained the procedure for filling out the electronic rating form. Some questions were answered by the chairman of the rating Committee Inna Savytska, secretary Olena Balalaeva and the head of the department of social work and rehabilitation, which has been among the leaders in the faculty for several years – Iryna Sopivnyk. The experience of the best departments proves that it is never too early to prepare for the rating, and there is never too much information.


Olena Balalaeva,
secretary of the rating Committee of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy

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