Features of practical training of specialists in international relations

August 5, 2022


We all perceive and assimilate information differently. There are audials, visuals, discrets, and kinesthetics. Research shows that most people are kinesthetics who learn about the world through practical experience. But in the context of online education, unfortunately, for the most part, practice does not exist. Therefore, practical training of highly qualified and competitive specialists in the field of International relations, public communications and regional studios in NULES Of Ukraine is one of the components of training. Our graduates should be free to navigate the international arena in the political, military, cultural and information space. In today's conditions, future diplomats and employees in the field of international relations must master both hard skills and soft skills at the University.




   Learning methods that help develop these skills require online and off-line communication. If the basic, abstract, and language knowledge that forms hard skills can be obtained online, then it is important for soft skills to be in the audience. The development of soft skills of a specialist is a requirement of the modern labor market. They make the future specialist more flexible in the extremely complex professional activities of international specialists. After all, it is possible to adapt to stressful situations, to the new realities of the changing world, the information society, the ability to act in a conflict environment, establish and maintain various types of communication with foreign colleagues while maintaining the self-identification of a citizen of Ukraine only under the condition of developed soft skills: sociability, critical thinking, creativity, leadership, teamwork, free communication, decision-making, knowledge management, various types of work in uncertainty, etc. All these skills can only be obtained through direct contact. After all, the main value of live communication is to learn to feel people, recognize danger at the level of empathy. It is in classrooms that international students will be able to try to determine the role models of behavior of colleagues, work out the ability to identify the needs and desires of the audience in a timely manner, the ability to negotiate in a team, convince and argue, understand the emotions, motivation, intentions of other people, which for a diplomat is the key to success in negotiations of various levels.
Instructors of thefaculty of humanities and pedagogy develop their soft skills by conducting various types of trainings, consultations with international specialists, master classes in rhetoric and logic, international protocol and etiquette in the classrooms of the NULES of Ukraine.



   To develop a skill, you need to gain knowledge and work it out in practice. It is practical classes in classrooms that are the most valuable and useful for an international student. Applying knowledge in practice is the process of developing soft skills. And the more practice there is, the more these skills will develop. The main thing is to get feedback, and we can only get this from the audience.



   International relations play almost the most important role in the development of the state, especially in the post-war period. Diplomacy is a means of implementing the foreign policy and internal regulation of the state, it is a way to establish relations in a peaceful way. And this requires highly qualified specialists, who are trained in the walls of our famous university at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.



   Now there are many different opinions about the forms of training. But still, classes in classrooms, in offline mode, have undeniable advantages, especially for training specialists in this field. Ukraine is now well-known all over the world. And our recognition and success in the international arena will depend on specialists in the field of international relations and public communications.


Alina Suprun,
associate professor of the department of philosophy and international communication

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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