Expanding the horizons of creative cooperation
July 20 during the All-Ukrainian forum "SEB-2022": cooperation of Science, Education and business for the post-war revival of Ukraine" hosted a fruitful meeting of instructors and students of the department of journalism and language communication with stakeholders.
Almost 600 participants joined the forum, including representatives of public authorities, business, scientific, educational and public organizations.
In his welcoming speech, the rector of the University Stanislav Nikolaenko stressed the importance of coordinating the efforts of science, education and business in a difficult period of war and post-war reconstruction for the country, because the state in the current conditions needs intensive development of all spheres, and it is possible only with the widespread use of innovative technologies, the implementation of educational and scientific initiatives, coordinated cooperation of state institutions with the business environment and public institutions.
During the plenary session, the forum participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the results of joint activities of representatives of business and the university community. Those who shared their experience of successful cooperation were united about the need for equal influence of state policy, business and the academic environment on the formation of the agenda of the post-war revival and future development of the country.

In the joint appeal adopted by the participants following the forum, in particular, it is noted that today the world's leading and domestic companies, employers set extremely high requirements for the quality of specialists and their practical training for higher education institutions. The development of effective mechanisms for achieving the sustainable development goals and the implementation of the European green course in the context of globalization and climate change are impossible without sufficient investment in education and science. This can only be achieved in cooperation with business, joint mastery of new technologies, their improvement and creation, and involvement of students, young scientists and scientists in these processes. Ensuring the formation of the necessary competencies of future specialists is a common task of stakeholders and requires special attention of state bodies.

The forum participants called for an open dialogue between the government structures of Ukraine, the academic environment and business, as well as civil society for the formation of a common victory of Ukraine, its post-war revival and harmonious development.

After the plenary session of the Forum instructors and students of the department of journalism and language communication invited our stakeholders, journalists of the All-Ukrainian newspaper for scientists and educators"Svit", to a meeting in Media Lab which has recently hospitably opened its doors to all those who want to improve in the difficult, but such an interesting profession of journalism.
Sophomore Serhiy Minin took a short tour across Media Lab having said that it is here that students have the opportunity to test their theoretical knowledge in practice, create a variety of media content, turning the most daring ideas and creative ideas into reality, because the laboratory is equipped with modern equipment for studio and field filming.
Third year student Valeria Kryvitska who is actively working on a newscast on the "Sviy NULES" on TV channel, added that future journalists learn to record videos in virtual studios using "chromakey" from the first year and edit them in a specially designated office. She was supported by a third year student Mykola Bondarenko, adding that he is happy to come to study in Media Lab, learns new important skills here and immediately applies them (tries himself as a sports columnist on a private channel). And this is only a part of the opportunities that open up to students thanks to access to professional equipment and the constant support of practical teachers.
Answering the question of Dmytro Shulikin, journalist of publications "Svit" and "Education of Ukraine", regarding the specifics of obtaining a journalistic specialty in NULES, head of the department of journalism and language communication Natalia Kostrytsya focused the guests ' attention on the uniqueness of the master's program of training in specialty "Journalism" in particular, information support for agribusiness and the environmental component.

The guests were pleasantly surprised that students talk in such a fascinating and professional way about their creative projects and the opportunities opened by the Media Lab. Newspaper "Svit" journalist Svitlana Halata even noticed that she envies them in a good way, because at one time she gained practical experience in journalism not on the student bench, but only then, paving the way in the profession through her own mistakes and self-education.
Summing up the results of relaxed and at the same time very interesting communication, associate professor of the Department of journalism and language communication Oleksandr Savenko thanked the guests for their good advice to young journalists, and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Svit" Larysa Ostrolutska expressed her hope for fruitful cooperation, in particular through attracting students to the publication's projects, meetings with practical journalists and master classes that will help them reach the top of their professional skills.
Natalia Adamchuk,
associate professor of the department of journalism and language communication