Academic Council of humanitarians: results of the summer test and examination session of the 2021/2022 academic year, preparation for accreditation of the OPP "International relations, public communications and regional studies" and the state of preparati

June 12, 2022


On June 10, 2022, an online meeting of the Academic Council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy was held. It was dedicated to topical issues of the faculty's life in special conditions of martial law. The chairman of the Academic Council Inna Savytska started work with the agenda, which presented the following questions: information on the activities of the humanitarian and pedagogical faculty in May 2022; on the results of the summer test and examination session of the 2021/2022 academic year; on the state of preparation for accreditation of the OPP "International relations, public communications and regional studies"; on the state of preparation of scientific research projects; on the implementation of the revenue plan for the first half of 2022 and the filling of the special fund (science); on the recommendations of the educational and methodological Council for the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, etc.

   Chairman of the Academic Council Inna Savytska launched an online meeting to provide information on activities of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy in May 2022, under martial law, which continues to make its own adjustments to the life of the faculty, along with this, the scientific and pedagogical team performs its tasks in the aspects of educational, international, scientific and educational work. The dean of the faculty focused the attention of the academic council members on the fruitful work of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Faculty of Humanities and pedagogy, who held a number of events in May 2022, in particular: an open day, a meeting with applicants for the master's program, a series of master classes on writing a motivation letter and preparing applicants for IMT (department of social work and rehabilitationdepartment of journalism and language communicationdepartment of international relations and social sciences), a joint online event with employers dedicated to children's Day (department of social work and rehabilitation), etc. In order to activate international scientific cooperation with leading foreign scientists and specialists and popularize scientific research of the University, the following scientific events were held in an online format: III international interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference "Language, business and law, intercultural communication: challenges of the present", III international interdisciplinary conference "professional languages and the latest approaches to their teaching" (LSP 2022) (department of foreign philology and translationanniversary X Skovorodynski exercises: all-Ukrainian scientific and practical online seminar "The role and significance of man in the transformation of social practices: past and present" (department of philosophy and international communicationV International scientific and practical studentconference "World of languages and languages of the world" (department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation); I All-Ukrainian student scientific and practical conference "modern trends in the media industry" (department of journalism and language communication); International scientific and practical conference "Relations between Ukraine and NATO at the present stage: achievements and challenges "(department of international relations and social sciences); student scientific and practical conference "modern student science as the basis for the future potential of the Ukrainian nation" (department of management and educational technologies).

   Deputy dean, Associate Professor Vadim Ovcharenko he reported on the results of the summer test session of the 2021/2022 academic year and noted the need to focus the attention of heads of graduate departments and mentors of academic groups on the need to increase responsibility in working with students; strengthen control over the implementation of contract terms; conduct a conversation with students of groups.

   Guarantor of the EPP "International relations, public communications and regional studios", associate professor of the department of international relations and social sciences Lilia Makarenko, head departments of international relations and social sciences, professor Vasyl Strilets and the head of the department of philosophy and international communication Valentyna Kultenko reported on holding the EPP "International relations, public communications and regional studies" EL "Master's" in line with the criteria of accreditation expertise and presented the uniqueness of the EPP. Deputy dean, professor Svitlana Kharchenko and the head of the department of social work and rehabilitation, professor Iryna Sopivnyk  focused on the relevance of the vocations contained in the introspection report and on the placement of necessary materials on the websites of departments.


   Heads of departments and scientific supervisors reported on the state of preparation of research projects. Deputy dean, professor Svitlana Kharchenko noted that when preparing research projects, it is necessary to take into account the following tasks: the name and content of projects should be aimed at solving urgent problems of ensuring the defense capability, food security and economic recovery of Ukraine; inter-disciplinarity; high quality and high scientific heritage of the team and recommended inviting co-executors from other institutions to participate.


   Deputy dean, Professor Svetlana Kharchenko presented information on the implementation of the revenue plan for the first half of 2022 and the filling of the special fund (science) and noted the intensification of work to increase the flow of funds to the special fund (science) through the provision of Scientific Services, posting information on the list of scientific services of departments on the cathedral page and distribution in social networks.

   Concluding the meeting, chairman of the Academic Council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska thanked the members of the Academic Council for the activity, advice and recommendations that they made during the online meeting, and identified priority areas of work for June 2022, namely: elimination of academic debt and arrears in tuition fees; practical training by students; successful accreditation of EPP "International relations, public communications and regional studies"; activation of career guidance activities; systematic educational work in dormitories; production of educational documents for graduates; maintenance of high rating positions of the humanitarian and pedagogical faculty in general and each NPP in particular.
Members of the Academic Council also considered other important issues of life activity of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.



Inna Hrabovska,
Academic secretary of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy


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