Humanitarians on humanity without borders: Ukrainian-Polish present and history

May 22, 2022


As part of the celebration of the Europe Day and Philologist's day first-year students of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, who are studying the discipline "Second foreign language – Polish" this semester, have held an unconventional lesson on May 19, 2022, which brought together everyone who wants to talk about the country whose language we are studying.



     Since the beginning of the war with the russian federation, Poland has sheltered most Ukrainian women and children and provided material and psychological assistance. We turned through the pages of the history of the creation of Polish national symbols (Flaga Polski – of Oleksandra Artamonova, Godło Polski – Sofia Kovalyova, Hymn Polski – Dobrutska Daria - students of the group MIV-21001B), reviewed presentation materials dedicated to the customs, traditions and holidays of the Polish people (Zwyczaje I tradycje polskie oraz święta religijne i narodowe – Anna Pashtetska, student of the group MIV-21001b).


     Students who are currently in Poland have prepared information about the activities of Polish volunteers (Odważni i niesamowici wolontariusze – Nikolay Dereshchuk, student GR. MIV-21002b), as well as an interview with a Polish woman whose family became a temporary new home (Wywiad z Panią Celiną – Tetiana Zhovner. MIV-21002b).
     We virtually visited Polish cities (Warszawa jako stolica Polski – Anastasia Shelukhina, Magiczny Kraków – Elizaveta Linkina, Lublin i jego atrakcje – Yevhenia Kucher, Zakopane – stolica polskich Tatr – Maryna Kominska, students of the group PS-21001b) and together dreamed of visiting them not in the status of refugees, but Ukrainian tourists, which we undoubtedly sincerely believe in, thanks daily to our courageous and incredibly brave defenders.


      The result of the lesson was pretty original: students of the PS-21002b group Veronika Kushnarenko and Marharyta Trukhachova have prepared an interactive crossword puzzle "Co znamy o Polsce i Polakach", wıth everyone present  beıng ınvolved in its solution.
     Together with us, Svıtlana Mykolaıvna Amelina, the head of the department of foreign philology and translation, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, also took a dip in the Polish-language journey , by attending classes.

     The event ended with warm words addressed to the poles, wishes students successful passing of exams and unconditional faith in our victory!
Glory to Ukraine!


Larysa Kolodina,
associate professor of the department of foreign philology and translation




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