The Book “Methods of measuring environmental parameters” by Professor Yuri Posudin Was Published in the USA
A significant event in the life of the Education and Research Institute of Power Engineering and Automation was publication of the book “Methods of measuring environmental parameters” by Professor Yuri Posudin in the United States of America. We were able to talk to its author and the person who knows the scientist very well –Head of the ERI, Volodymyr Kozyrskyy. Mr Kozyrskyy briefly presented university research achievements of the scientist.
- Yuri Ivanovich Posudin is certainly a remarkable person, a scientist and a researcher. He has been working at the university since 1977. He started as an assistant, and now he is a professor. His life is closely connected with physics. At one time Professor Posudin headed the Department of Biophysics at the university; therefore the scope of his scientific interests is biophysics and the environment. The main areas of educational activities are related to teaching courses “Physics and the basics of biophysics”, “Biophysics”, “Methods of measuring environmental parameters”, “Biophysics of the environment”. Professor Posudin is the author of 25 books, monographs (4 of which are published in English) and more than 150 scientific articles and patents. His book “Methods of measuring environmental parameters” is very precious. Its circulation is approximately 500 copies and it will be available at the best universities in the world. The distribution of circulation is the prerogative of the publishers. Of course, we are proud that a world-renowned scientist, Yuri Posudin, works at our ERI.
- Yuri Ivanovych, please tell us about the history of this book.
The Ukrainian version of the book consisting of 190 pages appeared in 2003. Then I decided to translate it in English. By the way, the book is titled the same as the discipline that I teach. The main task was to find a publishing house that would agree to publish the book for free. The search was successful: WILEY Publishers (USA) agreed to print the book. However, the publisher demanded that the amount of pages should not be less than three hundred pages. Therefore, I continued my work and in eighteen months the book expanded to 429 pages. Afterwards, I looked for seven reviewers from around the world. In addition, two anonymous American reviewers provided their summaries. Another requirement was that the figures and tables should not be repeated in any other publications and must first be placed in the book. When all the requirements were fulfilled, I started cooperation with the publishing house. We worked interactively; some of the members were even from Singapore.
- And what about royalties?
- You know, I have not raised this question. I received 15 copies of the book. At the request of the editors I made a book review for foreign magazines. Actually, Volodymyr Kozyrskyy has just signed it.
- The value of the book is undeniable. This is a huge amount of difficult work, as it is important to know not only the methods of measurement, but also the English language. Please, share your experience.
- I worked abroad, where I improved my knowledge of the language. Thus, in 1979 I underwent training in Italy where I learnt Italian and English. Then I took part in the conferences in Spain, Japan, USA and Germany. It was an excellent opportunity to improve language skills. In 1996 I lectured as a scholar of Fulbright Program at the University of Georgia, USA. In 2010 I taught courses “Monitoring and remediation of the environment” at the University of Hokkaido, Japan, and “Physical methods in environmental monitoring” in Yuvaskula University, Finland. I always enjoyed learning languages. And I cherish this skill in my students. Currently, I lecture in English to three academic groups. Of course, this book was published with constant support of the Department of Physics, the ERI of Power Engineering and Automation and Head of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko. I want to express my sincere gratitude to all those who supported me.
Let the achievements of our scientists multiply for the benefit of the university, the country and all mankind!
Interviewed by Olga Nakonechna