June 21, 2022
In terms of automation of production processes and improving the process of making managerial decisions in business, special importance in the training of specialists in the educational-professional program "Management of Organizations and Administration" is the study and application of specialized software. That is why from the selective components of the curriculum, the applicants of higher education choose "Digital Management", which provides an opportunity not only to gain theoretical knowledge but also practical skills in working with M.E.DOC software – electronic document management.
The importance of electronic document management in Ukraine is emphasize at the legislative level. Electronic document management allows you to plan the activities of enterprises, accounting and control at all stages of management. This, in turn, increases the resilience of enterprises in times of crisis and reduces risks in conditions of uncertainty.
The state encourages the transition to electronic document management and private business, in particular, the need to submit electronic reports to the tax authorities, while having electronic signatures and seals to ensure the legal significance of the electronic document. In addition, the COVID-19 has significantly accelerated the development of electronic document management and now more and more companies are exchanging primary documents in electronic form. Therefore, during May 2022, the applicants of second (master's) level of higher education full-time and part-time under the guidance of the representative of LLC "M.E.DOC" Artem Kim received practical experience in M.E.DOC in the following sections: program setup, filling company information, reference information, preparation of directories and download of classifiers, setting up the subsystem of payroll, commodity, cash, banking, reporting and analysis, etc. On May 26, 2022, the applicants of higher education passed a control test for knowledge of software, the results of which will receive certificates.
Thus, acquaintance the applicants of higher education with M.E.DOC software while studying the discipline "Digital Management" helps to improve the quality of training, skills and abilities to work with electronic sources of information and makes learning progressive and effective.
Oksana Havrysh,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi