International students talk about martial law, educational process, international situation and prospects of winning the war on our terms

March 20, 2022

Today we have a conversation with the monitor of the group MB-21001b specialty "International relations, public communications and regional studies" of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine Sofiia Kovaliova.

– Sophia, what is your attitude to the resumption of training in martial law? And how important is it?

Despite the current situation in Ukraine, I believe that the decision to resume education is the right one. Yes, I fully understand that because of the war, it is simply impossible to return to the carefree training that was before February 24, because everyone is fully focused on what is happening now, at this moment. Also, someone simply does not have the physical ability or for a number of other reasons to be present in pairs and do their job on time and efficiently. However, despite this, life goes on. That is why we must work hard and continue to obtain higher education, even in such a difficult time for us and our country, because it is important for our common future - the youth of Ukraine, which must rebuild our state later, after our victory.


– How is martial law training conducted? 

Judging by my own experience, the training is relatively calm and, if possible, by the instructors and students themselves. Sometimes it is difficult, but we all understand the reasons for this and are understanding.


– Is it difficult to study in war conditions?

The personal psychological state of the student or teacher and their safety play a very important role in our current education. This is not surprising, because when air defense explosions or the roar of cruise missiles, the sound of artillery and military equipment can be heard outside your windows, training comes to the fore and it is simply unrealistic to focus on your work.


– What else do you and the members of your group, do?

In my free time, I like to draw and read classic foreign literature, especially novels. My esteemed colleagues are also trying to distract themselves from this situation by watching movies, listening to music or playing computer video games. We are all now trying, at least a little, to return to our daily, peaceful life, which was until February 24.


– What is the current situation in your region?

My home is the Kyiv region, which, unfortunately, has been severely affected by the invasion of the Russian horde. The direction of Hostomel-Bucha-Irpin has suffered devastating destruction from the rusnia, which without any pity destroys our peaceful towns. Grief. Despair. Pain and shed blood… Thousands of lives destroyed and maimed. This is now our reality. But, thank God, our Armed Forces repel enemy attacks and stabilize the situation in the region and in Kyiv, despite the fact that street and tank battles are still going on in some hotspots.


– How do you view the current international situation, the balance of power as an international student?

The war is taking place on three main fronts: information, diplomatic and military. On two fronts (namely information and military) Ukraine has a strong defense: thanks to the heroic work of our media and our army, we raise our national spirit, unite and maintain our positions, both on the ground and in the air. We withstand the psychological attacks and provocations of our enemy; we are destroying the occupiers for invading our Earth and shelling our beautiful and peaceful cities; and we demonstrate to the whole world our strength of will and courage, our indomitability and thirst for freedom. We must also mention the incredible work of our diplomats and the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine on the world stage: the recognition of Russia as an aggressor by the world community, the imposition of devastating sanctions against it, and Ukraine's armed and humanitarian assistance from partner countries. However, despite our successes, it is too early to talk about a complete victory, because we must first win the war on our terms and with guarantees of protection of our state in the future.


– Sophia, do you believe in the victory of Ukraine and its allies in the war?

I will answer this question YES !!! - I am an optimistic realist, so I hope for our Armed Forces and believe in our unconquered people.


– Sophia, express your wishes to groupmates, instructors, university management.

Dear groupmates, classmates, instructors, students and management of my beloved NULES.
This is a very difficult time for all of us. Now, in fact, a new history of Ukraine and Europe in general is being written. But, unfortunately, for this very bloody price - the value of innocent, lost lives and shed blood of our compatriots. I understand that watching your homeland, your beloved home, suffer from the onslaught of the Russian horde, and the bitter realization that there is no longer a peaceful sky above our heads hurts your heart and soul.
But, You have to remember one important thing - we are Ukrainians. The courageous people who throughout their history have suffered and destroyed from enemies, but never gave up. We were reborn again and again, like that phoenix rising from the ashes and shining brighter than the sun. We are a freedom-loving people, whose thirst for freedom can surprise everyone and inspire new feats.

We are Ukrainians! We are Ukraine! Unique and united.
We are powerful! Everyone should know this. And our enemies.
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the nation! Glory to the Armed Forces! 


The conversation was conducted by the curator of the group MB-21001b,
associate professor of the department of
international relations
and social sciences Natalia Kravchenko


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