University Athletes Returned from the Tug of War Open Championship of Ukraine with Awards

September 15, 2014

The Tug of War Open Championship of Ukraine dedicated to the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine was held on September 13, 2014.


The university was represented by two teams: the men’s team and the charming women’s team. The Championship began with the official opening and presentation of participants. Men were divided into two competitive groups and women stayed in one group.

After the referee gave a start, an uncompromising struggle began. The competitions were held on the podium near the Arch of Friendship of Peoples. As a result of four-hour marathon the winner in Group A was team NULES-2 consisting of the Head of ERI of Educational Work and Social Development, Dmytro Cherkashyn, students of the Pedagogical Department Oleg Palyarush, Roman Yukhymchuk, student of the Department of Law, Roman Konstantynov, students of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Olexander Brizytskyy, Sergiy Bondarev, Victor Yedynak, student of the Department of Biotechnology, Olexander Gudz, student of the Department of Agrobiosystem Engineering, Mykola Kucher. The team did not lose a single pull!!!

Our second team in group B took 2nd place. The team consisted of Mykola Borsch, Roman Zhoglo, Vyacheslav Kaduba, Victor Sydorenko (Department of Forestry), Yevgen Tymoshenko, Yaroslav Nikitin (Department of Ecology and Sustainable Development), Olexander Savluk (Faculty of Construction and Design of Machines and Systems of Environmental Management), Vladyslav Voytenko (Agrobiological Department).

The competitors in the first semifinal were NULES-1 and NULES-2. The finalist was NULES-2 and their counterparts fought for the 3rd place.

Women’s team, which included 80% of the members of mini-football team, was represented by the students of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Tetyana Feschenko, Tetyana Malenko, students of the Department of Land Regulation, Olga Grytsenko, Julia Loshakova, student of the Department of Plant Protection, Nina Smal, students of the Department of Agricultural Management, Natalia Chvorda, Maria Mytrofanenko, student of the Agrobiological Department, Alyona Agafonova, Manager of the Campus Directorate, Tetyana Godun. Our athletes successfully passed the qualification and got to the finals.

The rivals of team NULES-1 for the third place was the team of employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kyiv.
In the final round team NULES-2 met with professional firefighters from Cherkasy. A pleasant surprise for our athletes was the arrival of the Head of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko, and Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Activities and University Development, Sergiy Kvasha, who supported the team until the final pull.

The women's team of NULES of Ukraine won the 2nd place and received silver medals.


Men's team of NULES of Ukraine-1 triumphantly defeated the rival and won the honorable 3rd place. And the team NULES-2 was the 2nd as it lost one pull because of the injury of the athlete. All participants received diplomas, medals, cups and T-shirts reminding of this wonderful day of courage and strength. After the competition Stanislav Nikolayenko treated our athletes with sandwiches, fruit and delicious cakes.


The celebration of the Day of Physical Culture and Sports was successful. And our teams proved that they belong to the strongest teams not only in Kiev, but also in whole Ukraine.


Information Department of Education and Research Centre for

 Educational Work and Social Development

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