Ukraine between East and West: Humanitarians have held the International scientific and practical conference dedicated to Ahatanhel Krymskyi

October 22, 2021


"Not a drop of Ukrainian blood flows in my veins,
but at the same time I am a real Ukrainian:
Ukrainian in spirit, because I live in this land and I love it.
I was born and raised in Ukraine and became Ukrainian… »


Ahatanhel Krymskyi


   On October 21, 2021, a significant event took place at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy: International face-to-face distance scientific-practical conference "Ukraine between East and West: problems and prospects of intercultural communication", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of a special figure in science, literature and culture of XX century - Ahatanhel Yukhymovych Krymskyi - world-famous Ukrainian scientist, whose name was included by the UNESCO General Assembly in the list of prominent figures of the world, one of the founders of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, orientalist who built bridges between Ukrainian culture and cultures of the East, polyglot, translation philosopher, writer, historian.
  Dean of the faculty Inna Savytska began the solemn meeting with a welcoming speech, noting the importance of discussing the problems of intercultural communication for modern Ukraine.

  On behalf of the rector, Vadym Kondratyuk, vice-rector for research and innovation of NULES of Ukraine, greeted the participants. He stressed that the figure of Ahatanhel Krymskyi carries a great semantic load in the modern conditions of existence of the Ukrainian state, expressed satisfaction that the issue of intercultural communication is in the focus of scientific research of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.

  The greetings of the conference guests were emotional and sincere, namely: Ambassador of peace and Arabic teacher of Kyiv gymnasium of oriental languages No.1 Salikh Salikh Abda (Iraq, Kuwait) and teacher Valerio Vermilio (Palermo, Italy). As prominent representatives of East and West, in their speeches they stressed the importance of fruitful East-West communication in today's global world.


  In the greeting of the deputy director for educational and methodological work of the Kyiv gymnasium of oriental languages No.1, Honored teacher of Ukraine Mykhailo Savchenko, the need to study the legacy of A. Krymskyi, his contribution to the development of Ukrainian and oriental languages was emphasized. Mykhailo Pylypovych noted the great nobility of the researcher, his scientific honesty and dedication.

   Mykola Tomenko, doctor of political sciences, chairman of the supervisory board of NULES of Ukraine, actually opened the scientific part of the conference. In his report "Ahatanhel Krymskyi in the context of creating a worldview of the Ukrainian world" Mykola Volodymyrovych stressed that it is necessary to remember the great Ukrainians who provided opportunities for the existence of modern Ukraine. First of all, Krymskyi's contribution to the creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences should be appreciated, and secondly, his philological heritage, which is relevant in the XXI century: A. Krymsky's textbooks are used today in Eastern countries. Third, Krymskyi, opposing Pogodin-Sobolevsky's concept, argued for the genesis of the Ukrainian language from the eleventh century, thus insisting that Ukrainians are an indigenous ethnic group that has lived on this land since ancient times.

The speech of Maryna Kolinko, doctor of philosophy, associate professor of philosophy at Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv, focused on the problems of the Other, the Stranger, the search for a common space between communicators in the context of building a strategy of intercultural dialogue.

   The conference was held in two formats live and online, which allowed to remotely join its work Oleksandr Yurynets - deputy director for academic affairs of Volodymyr-Volyn A.Y. Krymskyi pedagogical vocational college of the Volyn regional council, who told how the memory of A. Krymskyi is preserved there.


  The philosophical and scientific part of the meeting was supplemented by reports of professor of the Institute of economics and forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ihor Pilyaev "East-West dichotomy in the context of globalization: contemporary understanding" and head of the department of oriental philosophy of the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine by Oleh Yarosh "Sufism in the global world".

  Roman Dodonov, head of the department of philosophy at the Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv, drew attention to some details of A.Y. Krymskyi’s relocation from Moscow to Kyiv in 1918 together with his library collection.

  Vasyl Strelets, acting head of the department of international relations and social sciences of NULES of Ukraine, hypothesized the real existence of the Union for the liberation of Ukraine and the active role of A. Krymskyi in the activities of this organization.

  The reports of the director of the Central state archive-museum of literature and art of Ukraine Olena Chyzhova "The figure of Ahatanhel Krymskyi through the prism of the archival-library collection of the Central state archive-museum of literature and art of Ukraine" and Lyubov Krupnyk - employee of the Institute of national memory "For your and our freedom: Ukrainian-Polish relations in the 1980s and 1990s” were of great interest.


  The plenary session of the conference was colored by the speeches of students who read the poetry of Ahatanhel Krymskyi. And the meeting ended with a musical performance by artists of the department of cultural studies, headed by Iryna Maidanyuk.

  After the plenary session, a sectional session was held, which was started by Andriy Holtsov, associate professor of the department of philosophy and international communication, who noted the relevance of Ahatanhel Krymskyi's position in the global world. There was an interesting and emotional discussion about the speech of the graduate student of the department of philosophy and international communication Hontar Vasyl.

  Oleksandra Sokolova, a graduate student of our department, made a scientific report. Postgraduate historians Yanina Aleeva and Yevheniia Shvetsova also joined the section. Andriy Sorokin, a graduate student of the department of international relations and social sciences of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, visited our section.



  Students Anastasia Zmaha, Elyzaveta Kovalenko, Valentyna Matisko, Tetyana Syrotenko, Valery Kovalevskyi, Taras Tkach under the guidance of associate professors of the department of philosophy and international communication Svitlana Heiko, Tetyana Kychkyruk and Iryna Matvienko reported the results of their research.

  The meeting was concluded by the dean of the faculty Inna Savytska with words of gratitude for the work done in such a difficult time and wishes for further fruitful scientific work to all conference participants.

Vira Dodonova,
professor of philosophy and international communication

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