Anastasia Vaherych: Being a specialist in international relations is prestigious and promising

January 13, 2022

 — Good day! Thank you for agreeing to the interview. Tell us about yourself.

— Good day! My name is Anastasia Vaherych. I am a first-year student of the Master's program at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, majoring in international relations, public communications and regional studies. Among my hobbies are photography and video, travel, painting. I am convinced that the more experience we have and the broader our knowledge, the more resources we have to create something new. The world does not stand still. Along with it, our state is changing. Ukraine is establishing new contacts, entering new markets, striving to take a worthy place in the international arena. As a result, the demand for specialists in the field of international relations is constantly growing. And especially those who know the peculiarities of the functioning of the agro-industrial complex and have the ability to effectively promote in the world market of agricultural products.


— Why have you chosen NULES of Ukraine?


— After graduating from school, I had a problematic question: "Where do I plan to study?" Therefore, I began to monitor various interesting options for universities. Everyone has their own criteria for choosing a profession and university: someone pays attention to earnings, someone - to demand. And I chose the profession based on my knowledge, and, as they say, "closer to the soul." For me, the priority was to find exactly the university that will allow me not only to study in Ukraine, but also abroad. She applied for admission to several educational institutions. However, she preferred the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, which I have heard a lot from parents, their colleagues, students who studied there and shared good impressions.

— Did your expectations from studying at the University come true?


— One of the most important rules of my life is not to make colossal plans or expect anything incredible. However, at the moment I can't even imagine a richer student life: festivals, scientific and practical conferences, internships abroad. I mastered foreign languages; acquired a comprehensive system of operational knowledge and skills in terms of international activity and negotiation; learned to organize events, develop and promote various projects; mastered the skills of effective organization of their own activities; expanded its horizons, having the opportunity to communicate with prominent people and professionals both in Ukraine and abroad.


— Have you had the opportunity to test yourself professionally?


— NULES of Ukraine is always happy to give a chance to everyone who wants to prove their level of capabilities! There is no other way to test your abilities and skills than to test them in practice. With strong international connections, the University in general and the faculty of humanities and pedagogy in particular have sufficient resources to open their doors to students in Europe, North and South America, the Middle and Far East. I worked in public organizations that have close contacts with foreign countries. I see each job as an opportunity to gain experience, develop myself and my skills. NULES of Ukraine definitely gave me a start and I can say with confidence that being a specialist in the field of international relations is prestigious and promising. Thus, choosing the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, you must know and clearly understand what you want in this life and what you are ready to go for a successful future. If you are for quality education, modern approaches, professional teachers, then you will join us!


— Thanks for talking. Keep yourselves!

Inna Hrabovska,
head of the department of English
for technical and agrobiological specialties



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