International Scholarship Exchange of PhD candidates and Academic Staff(SGGW)

Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW invites you to participate in the program - PROM.
The purpose of PROM is to participate in short forms of training, such as internships, conferences, winter or summer schools organized by WULS-SGGW. Travel expenses, living expenses (and conference fees) are covered from the program budget.
Information about the call:
- Application deadline: February 15, 2022
- Application submission: via email –
- Available no. of scholarships: 1 PhD student, 1 teaching staff (up to 40 years old)
- Description of PROM Program’s terms and conditions – Regulations (attached).
- More information about the PROM Program:
Offer for PhD student:
- funding (subsistence allowance 14 days (12 working days + 2 travel days) – 7780 PLN; travel grant – flat rate based on distance between place of residence and location of stay) to conduct a short-term internship at SGGW
- mobility period: academic year 2021/202a (to be completed until 30 June 2022)
- conference topic: closely related to the subject of the PhD dissertation
- eligible candidates: PhD student (active student status)
- application documents: application form (attached), confirmation of active PhD student status, letter of acceptance (attached), internship agreement (attached), reference letter – application for an internship require finding an academic supervisor at SGGW ( and preparing a research plan to increase competences, skills and knowledge related to PhD dissertation
Offer for Teaching Staff
- funding (subsistence allowance 5 days (3 working days + 2 travel days) – 4000 PLN; travel grant – flat rate based on distance between place of residence and location of stay) to take active part (poster or oral presentation) at conference at SGGW: - Submission Deadline of complete papers or abstracts: February 20, 2022
- mobility period: academic year 2021/202a (to be completed until 30 June 2022)
- conference topic: closely related to the subject of the teaching activity
- eligible candidates: teaching staff
- application documents: application form (attached), confirmation of a teacher employment, confirmation of registration, internship agreement (attached), reference letter