Open lectures at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy were held at a high professional level

December 12, 2021

 The autumn semester of the 2021-2022 academic year at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine has come to an end. With last year's experience, instructors and students have effectively combined online and offline classes.

The modern dynamic world stimulates the introduction of new forms and methods into the practice of teaching students, which are aimed at enhancing cognitive activity and increasing interest in the subject. The lecture is an important link, an appropriate form of organization of education in higher education in Ukraine. Its general purpose is to form in students an indicative basis for mastering knowledge, skills, abilities, their positive attitude to the realities of life being studied, taste for science and research. And open lectures activate creative and professional activity of the teacher, stimulate continuous professional and general education, increase responsibility for results of training and education of students.

   During the first semester at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy in accordance with the rector's order "On improving the quality of education at NULES of Ukraine" and according to the approved schedule of open lectures of the faculty at the departments of international relations and social sciences, philosophy and international communication, psychology, journalism and language communicatio , physical education conducted 33 open lectures and open classes for students of various specialties.

 Department of international relations and social sciences. Six open lectures were held: prof. Strilets V.V. in the discipline "International organizations" for 3rd year students of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, prof. Bilan S.O. in the discipline "History of Ukrainian statehood" for students, assoc. Varhatiuk S.V. in the discipline "Foreign policy and diplomacy of Ukraine" for 2nd year students of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, assoc. prof. Osnach O.M. in the discipline "History of international relations" for 2nd year students of the faculty, assoc. prof. Khvist V.O. on discipline "History of Ukrainian statehood" for first-year students of the faculty of food technology and quality management of agricultural products, assoc. prof. Kharchenko L.V. on discipline "Sociology" for 2nd year students of the faculty of mechanics and technology.



Department of psychology. 1 open lecture of assoc. prof. Zelinska Ya.Ts. in the discipline of "Clinical psychology" for 3rd year students majoring in "Psychology" of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.



Department of Philosophy and International Communication. Three open lectures were held: assoc. prof. Heiko S.M. in the discipline "Logic" for 3rd year students of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, assoc. prof. Kravchenko A.H. in the discipline "Philosophy" for students of the faculty of information technology and assoc. prof. Kharchuk O.O. in the discipline "Fundamentals of private relations" for 2nd year students of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.



Department of journalism and language communication. Three open lectures were held: prof. Semashko T.F. in the discipline "Modern Ukrainian language" for first-year students majoring in "Philology", prof. Navalna M.I. in the discipline "Media actics" for 4th year students majoring in "Journalism" and assoc. prof. Adamchuk N.V. in the discipline "Cross-media journalism" for students of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.



Department of physical education. Six open classes were held: prof. Putrov S.Yu. in the discipline "Introduction to the specialty" for students majoring in "Physical culture and sports", senior lecturers Khyzhnyak A.A., Krupko N.V. and Dubovik R.H. held open classes on "Physical education" for students of 1-2 years of study of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, instructors Otroshko O.V. and Andriyash V.V. arranged moving games and entertainment with teaching methods.




   All open lectures and classes were highly appreciated by students, teachers and heads of relevant departments. Therefore, the teaching stuff of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy conducts lectures and practical classes at a high professional level, using the latest technologies, methods and techniques of visualization of the material, according to the latest trends.

Heiko S.M.,

associate professor of the department of philosophy and international communication,

responsible for monitoring the quality of lectures

from the faculty of humanities and pedagogy



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