International webinar “Current competitions in the field of Climate and Environmental Protection. Search for partners” was held at NUBIP of Ukraine

December 6, 2021
    In order to participate in the Horizon Europe project application competition and other international and national competitions, the National Contact Point "Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and the Environment (including relevant missions and partnerships)" (https : // organised the international webinar "Current competitions in the field of Climate and Environmental Protection. Search for partners", which took place on December 2, 2021.

    Head of the Education and Research Center for International Activities, Oleksander Labenko, and Head of NCP “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (including related missions and partnerships)” of NUBiP of Ukraine, Liliia Kalachniuk delivered welcoming and concluding speeches to the participants, respectively.
    The first report on the topic “Horizon Europe program: calls and partnership in project applications in the field “Climate” was delivered by Angela Pyatova (Head of the NCP "Climate, environment and resource efficiency, including raw materials", Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine). She presented the applications for Horizon projects for 2022 with relevant web sources for detailed information on each call, described the possibilities of the comprehensive approach to project application formation and partner search.

    The second report on "Opportunities for research projects in Horizon Europe programme" was presented by Vanya Simeonova, Director of International Relations for Eastern Europe of Wageningen University and Research (Wageningen, The Netherlands). She emphasized that the key to success of the Horizon Europe call for proposals is to offer a solution to a specific problem for the EU and a systematic approach, which includes multidisciplinarity, cross-sectoral /value chain, engaging SMEs, end-users and citizens).

    Liliia Kalachniuk (Head of the NCP on the basis of NUBiP of Ukraine) was the moderator of an open discussion on her report "Projects. Opportunities and Prospects” on the participation of NUBiP of Ukraine in the FOODSAFETY4EU project (H2020-FNR-08-2020) as support partners. Julia Slyva (Deputy Head of he Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, NUBiP of Ukraine) provided detailed information about the project.

    Participants of the international webinar actively participated in the discussion and Q&A session and used the chat to clarify the raising questions. The materials of the reports can be found at .
     We express our sincere gratitude to NUBiP administration for providing the opportunity to hold a webinar on the Zoom platform.

Liliia Kalachniuk,
Head of NCP “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources,
Agriculture and Environment (including related missions and partnerships)”


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