World Science Day at the Faculty of Humanities and Education

November 12, 2021

 A student scientific-practical conference dedicated to the World Science Day was held at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy. The conference was organized by researchers, instructors and students of the department of management and educational technologies

The introductory speech was given by doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Nina Zhuravska. As a moderator of the conference, she reminded a large number of participants about the importance of World Science Day: “Systematizing the knowledge gained, humanity has noticed that this knowledge can not only be stored, passed from generation to generation, but also supplemented, developed and unified. That's how science came to be. You can argue: what science was first born! However, it is well known that so far humanity has not managed to exhaust all the diversity of directions and potential of human knowledge, for which we boldly define a particular branch of science. Science plus society has always been equal to progress. Thus, at one of the World scientific conferences held in Budapest in 1999, the idea of the need for even closer cooperation between the scientific and social environment was expressed. In this regard, at the general conference of the international organization UNESCO, held in 2001, it was decided to formally establish the "World Science Day for peace and development", which is celebrated annually on November 10.

Thus, the leitmotif of the conference was the words of the participants of the general conference of the international organization UNESCO (2001) "Celebration of the World Science Day - is not only a factor in promoting certain scientific areas and technologies, contributing to the positive progress of our entire society. "

Professor Nina Zhuravska wished the conference participants to learn something new, only bright feelings, inspiration, desire to be creative in scientific knowledge and the successful completion of the student scientific conference!

The first to speak was Iryna Horbachova, a 1 year master, of the educational program "Personnel management" with the topic of the report: "Development of the education system in rural areas" (head: professor Serhiy Kubitsky). The student shared with the conference participants the changes in the Putrivskyi educational institution, showed the changes that took place beyond recognition after the start of the project (2016) (assembly hall, choreography hall, gym, security system, multifunctional sports ground, landscaping and landscaping, Inclusive Resource center, etc.). The number of students increased from 202 to 745. These changes also affected the territorial community, whose educational network (Kalyniv territorial community) has grown to 2,328 students and 640 pupils. It is worth noting that Irina Horbachova named the weaknesses and strengths of educational decentralization. The student's speech aroused great interest and questions.

Then Oksana Volodymyrivna Kuznetsova, director of the Korosten educational complex "V. Sinhaivskyi School-Gymnasium №2" of Zhytomyr region was invited to speak on the topic of the scientific report "Influence of management style on the socio-psychological climate of the teaching staff of general secondary education". Nina Zhuravska). The speaker shared with the students the results of scientific research and proposed ways to increase the "efficiency of the human resources of the educational institution": "positive movement" of staff; providing "consulting services for educational institutions"; raising the qualification level of employees as a result of participation in advanced training courses and thematic trainings, application of exchange of experience; raising the "educational level of employees, promoting employee training"; formation of a "positive atmosphere in the team, reducing the number of conflict situations"; disclosure of "employee skills, incentives for employees to develop new ideas and innovation proposals"; conducting an "effective motivational policy taking into account the wishes of employees" in order to increase their productivity and activity; promoting "maintaining and improving the health of staff and creating appropriate working conditions" that can eliminate or significantly reduce the negative impact of work on health.

The third was Natalia Ovdiy, master of 2nd year of study, educational program "Educational Institution Management" with the topic of the report: "STEM - education: problems and areas of implementation in the educational process" (head: professor Serhiy Kubitsky). The speaker noted that working as a physics teacher and having extensive pedagogical experience, she believes that one of the areas of innovative development of science and mathematics education is the STEM learning system, through which children develop logical thinking and technical literacy, learn to solve problems, become innovators, inventors. Ovdiy N.M. stressed: “STEM-training will strengthen and solve the most pressing problems of the future. STEM (S - science, T - technology, E - engineering, M – mathematics). The acronym STEM is used to denote a popular field of education that encompasses science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM-education is a way to help today's children tomorrow to become innovators, purposeful, creative and reliable members of the team, society, country. Such a system of education teaches to live in a real fast-changing world, to be able to react to changes, to think critically, to be a creative person." The speech of an experienced teacher did not go unnoticed by the conference participants and Natalia Mykolaivna actively shared her experience, answering questions from colleagues!

Then Ludmyla Rassokhina, a 2nd year master, shared her results of scientific research on the problems of distance learning, the educational program "Management of an educational institution". The topic of the report: "Problems of distance learning at school" (supervisor: Professor Kubitsky S.O.). Lyudmyla Rostyslavivna, as the deputy director of school, highlighted to the conference participants the strengths and weaknesses in the use of distance learning. She also touched upon the main problems of introducing distance education in the Zhytomyr regional lyceum:

  • • lack of qualified personnel on the research problem;
    • lack of face-to-face communication between teacher and lyceum student (there is no direct opportunity to monitor the actions of students);
    • the quality of training with the help of distance technologies directly depends on the level of technical equipment;
    • observance of academic integrity;
    • difficulty in organizing group work;
    • insufficient organizational and methodological support for independent work students;
    • insufficiently developed ability to communicate at a distance for both students and teachers;
    • lack of psychological comfort of distance learning participants;
    • lack of possibility of immediate practical application of the acquired knowledge with the subsequent discussion of the arisen questions with the teacher and explanation of a situation on concrete examples;
    • students are not always provided with sufficient technical equipment - a computer and constant access to the Internet;
    • there are no educational resources that are fully filled with content, well-structured and can potentially ensure the formation of the content of the required training program to order.


After the speech of an experienced teacher and principal, colleagues from Kyiv schools invited her and lyceum teachers to cooperate.

Problems of preschool education were represented by Tetiana Nevar, a 2nd year of study master, educational program "Management of the educational institution." Topic of the report: "Monitoring the impact of preschool education on child development" (head: associate professor Tamara Kovalchuk). In her speech, Tetyana Yuriivna focused on the problem of building an individual educational path for each child. The master focused on one of the monitoring tools - qualimetry. The conference participants were impressed by the depth of scientific research in the environment and its importance. The purpose of monitoring in the preschool educational institution was to identify the degree of compliance of the results of the institution with the standards and requirements of preschool education.

The modern qualitative model of preschool education provides construction of an individual educational way for each child, creation of optimum conditions for its harmonious development. Monitoring in the preschool institution allows the administration to find out at an early stage the reasons that reduce the quality of the educational process and promptly solve the identified problems. Tetyana Yuriyivna works in the inclusive group № 6 of the preschool institution № 641..

Digital technologies in schools, their role in the development of an effective educational process was substantiated by Olha Hrebchenko, a 2nd year master, educational program "Management of educational institution". The topic of the report is "Project activity in school by means of digital technologies" (supervisor: associate professor Vasyl Bazelyuk). Olha's speech was received with attention and interest by the conference participants, as the research topic is based on the concept of project activities using digital technologies. The graduate student noted that digital technologies in the modern world are not only a tool, but also an environment that opens new opportunities: learning at any convenient time, continuing education, the ability to design individual educational routes, from consumers of electronic resources to become creators. Olha Mykolaivna shared the results of the research, which was conducted on the basis of the Grail gymnasium in Kyiv and Polissya lyceum, Zhytomyr region.

The conference ended with a speech by Vasyl Bazelyuk, associate professor of the department of management and educational technologies. The topic of the report: "Research activities of the future specialist." The concluding remarks of an experienced teacher, headmaster (former school principal!), scientist best emphasized the importance and expediency of student scientific-practical conferences: “Research activities should be organized so that students after graduation seek to constantly improve their professional level. A person must constantly learn, correlating their knowledge with new requirements, their needs, the needs of society, the labor market. The personality itself is its professional tool. "
Feedback from conference participants:

Anastasia Bilorus: “… All reports were interesting, the information is meaningful and relevant. I learned a lot of new things, and most importantly - now there are even more ideas for writing my own master's degree… »

Tetyana Kravets: “… It was very interesting. Presentations are great, the topics are well covered. There is a vision of the algorithm of future research… "

Alla Kravchuk: “I’m thankful to all the speakers. The presentation on STEM education was watched together with fellow deputy principals. We want to invite a speaker to a meeting with teachers to share experiences…»

Nina Zhuravska,
professor of the department of management and educational technologies

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