Mykola Tomenko: “How did you contribute to the development of Ukraine?” (The Meeting with the Staff of NULES of Ukraine)

June 19, 2014

The Head of the Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Mykola Tomenko, visited the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine on June 19.
He was introduced to the staff by the Acting Head of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko, who reminded that Mykola Tomenko not only is a known politician, but also is the Head of the Charitable Foundation “Mother Country”, which deals with cultural and educational projects and Taras Shevchenko’s heritage.


 Addressing the audience, Mykola Tomenko noted that it is important to return to the system of appointment of senior officials that would base on their professionalism and not depend on their belonging to some political party. The state authorities should consult with people who are experts in a particular industry in order to make optimal decisions.
Mykola Volodymyrovych praised the cooperation with the Minister of Education and Science, Stanislav Nikolayenko, which was always aimed at the development of the educational sector and the support of Ukrainian science.
Mykola Tomenko also commented on the current military situation in the state. He expresses his support of the compromise targeted at peaceful settling that was offered by the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.


 “We must show the world that Ukraine is not only Chernobyl or Maidan. There is much more that we, Ukrainians, are proud of!” Mykola Tomenko said.

The project “Seven Wonders of Ukraine” was created to fulfil this goal. The selections “Seven Wonders of Ukraine: Castles, Palaces, Fortresses” and “Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine” are completed and the third selection “Seven Wonders of Ukrainian History” will soon be released. This project is aimed at popularizing Ukrainian culture and after their release the number of tourists to the sites increased by 30-60%. Moreover, such projects unite the country.


 Undoubtedly, a unifying figure for Ukrainians is Taras Shevchenko.
Mykola Tomenko initiated the release of the yearbook dedicated to Taras Shevchenko. Every page is illustrated and contains aphorisms. And the last page has an inscription “How did you contribute to the development of Ukraine?”.


Mykola Tomenko presented the University with a collection of films about Shevchenko that were produced in Ukraine, a textbook “History of the Ukrainian Constitution”, and his own book “Theory of Ukrainian Love” (which promotes Ukrainian language and culture and contains a “Dictionary of Ukrainian Love”). The politician wished the staff of the university to cherish love to Ukraine in their hearts.
The audience listened to the presenter with unremitting attention and there were many listeners who had some questions. Unfortunately, due to the lack of time, Mykola Tomenko could answer only a few of them. One question concerned the lack of patriotism and national education. The politician stated that our problem lies in an incorrect approach to information. We assume that simple presentation of information is enough, but it is not. An education reform is necessary.


Mykola Tomenko wished everyone faith and confidence and reminded that now our army is financed by Ukrainian people, and only such army can protect our motherland.


 Acting Head, Stanislav Nikolayenko, expressed his gratitude to Mykola Tomenko for his visit and an excellent speech that promoted Ukrainian ideology.
Afterwards, Mykola Tomenko, the Head of Glosiyevo District State Administration, Mykola Danevych, and Stanislav Nikolayenko visited University Building 3, where they discussed the repair works of the building. Mykola Tomenko was surprised that restoring had not begun yet.

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