New partnership possibilities with UK universities

November 16, 2021
    In order to build a network of international contacts, on November 10, 2021, representatives of the faculties and education and research institutes of NUBiP of Ukraine participated in a meeting with the delegates of Cormack Consultancy Group (CCG). The meeting was devoted to the opportunities for cooperation with the universities in the UK and USA.

    Particular attention was drawn to short-term mobility programs (4-6 weeks) for British students. The programs are funded by the British government and allow British students to gain international experience. Oleksandr Labenko, Head of the ERC for International Activity, presented the radiology workshop held jointly with Wageningen University & Research, which includes visits to Chernobyl and may be interesting for students from other countries.


    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning reached the next level in its importance and topicality. Joint international online projects will impart students with the possibility of even greater professional growth. Moreover, NUBiP of Ukraine already has significant experience in providing double degree programs that can be altered to meet the requirements of British universities and, if necessary, is eager to develop the new ones in accordance with curricula, materials and exam structure of partner institutions in the UK.

   The next meeting with the company's representatives will be aimed at determining specialties and educational degrees that will take part in future double degree programs, and discussing the draft of the 4-week student exchange program.


Olga Golomsha,
Olexander Labenko


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