“Day of Field” at the Agronomic Research Station

June 18, 2014


The traditional “Day of Field” organized by the Education and Research Institute of Plant Science, Environment and Biotechnology was held at the separated subdivision of NULES of Ukraine “Agronomic Research Station.” One of its main parts is examination of research topics. 

This year the scientists of seven departments of the Education and Research Institute are working on fundamental and 17 applied research subjects, as well as numerous postgraduate, master and bachelor research subjects. All of them were presented to the Acting Head of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko, who carefully listened to the reports of both venerable scientists and young researchers. 


Of great importance is the permanent field experiment of O.I. Dushechkin Department of Agrichemistry and Product Quality that started in 1956-1958. The experiment is aimed at the study of effectiveness of different alternatives of fertilization in crop rotation on the fertility of soils and crop capacity.


Scientists of the Department of Breeding and Genetics use new methods of creating varieties and hybrids based on modern advances in genetics and molecular biology. The methods are implemented in a coherent scheme of selection process on creation of new “00” and “000” varieties and hybrids of winter rape. The scientists also created and now examine a collection of self-pollinating maize lines for breeding and genetic targets.



When studying breeding material of winter rye, alfalfa seed and beans university scientists pay grate attention to high crop capacity and adaptability. 



- The researchers conducted extensive scientific work, - said the Acting Head of the University. - But it is necessary to stress that the research work should meet global standards and use modern experimental basis.

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