Meeting of the Acting Head of NULES of Ukraine, Stanislav Nikolayenko, with the Heads of International Programs of Education and Research Institutes

June 12, 2014


On June 11, 2014 the Acting Head of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Stanislav Nikolayenko, held a meeting with the heads of International Programs of Education and Research Institutes of NULES of Ukraine and the teaching staff that was devoted to the development of international activities of NULES of Ukraine.














Vadym A. Tkachuk, the Head of the Education and Research Centre for International Activities, presented the structure of the international activities of the University and highlighted the chief fields of their development. Also he paid considerable attention to cooperation with the international community in the area of basic and applied research













The members of the meeting discussed the issues of education, practical training, student exchange programmes, improving living conditions of foreign students in dormitories, and participation of the staff, graduate students and students in international conferences.  

















Among other important issues discussed during the meeting were membership of the University in international organizations and cooperation with foreign partner universities.


Special attention was paid to suggestions and recommendations for promotion of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine in the international arena.





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