International scientific and practical conference "The monetary assessment of land in Ukraine: achievements, problems and prospects"

10 жовтня 2018 року




We invite you to take part in the International scientific and practical conference

"The monetary assessment of land in Ukraine: achievements, problems and prospects"

devoted to the 20th anniversary of the launch of an expert monetary assessment of land plots to be held on November 8-9, 2018



National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

NSC "Institute of Agrarian Economics" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

All-Ukrainian public organization "Association of Land Management Specialists of Ukraine"

NGO "All-Ukrainian Association" Ukrainian Society of Appraisers"

NGO "All-Ukrainian Union of Appraisers of the Land"

NGO "League of Land Appraisers"

Association "Land Union of Ukraine"


Conference Venue:

November 8 - Kyiv,. Generala Rodimtseva str., 19 (NUBIP of Ukraine, educational building No.1),

November 9 - Kyiv, Vasylkivska str., 17, room. 234 (NUBIP of Ukraine, faculty of land management, educational building No. 6).


The purpose of the conference: discussion of the current state and perspective directions of the development of taxation and market valuation of land plots in Ukraine, the development of proposals for improving the regulation of land valuation activities and the training of evaluators.


Working languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian.


Section 1. Estimation of land property (real estate) for taxation purposes

issues of land normative monetary assessment in Ukraine;

prospects for creating a system of mass real estate valuation;

issues of information provision evaluation and the role of the cadastral registration system in their resolution;

development of methodological support for tax assessment;

Information technology in the tax assessment.


Section 2. Expert valuation of land plots and rights to them

problems of regulation of land valuation activity in Ukraine;

national legislation on valuation and international standards;

evaluation of agricultural land in a limited market;

issues of access of appraisers to the source information;

the market for valuation services and the future of the profession of appraiser;

self-regulation, ethics and professional risk management.


Section 3. Land evaluation and management of territories

territorial planning and land management as a factor in changing the value of real estate;

the effect of planning restrictions on the value of real estate;

estimated zone zoning;

spatial localization of real estate markets.


Program of the event:

09:00 - 09:30 Participants registration

10:00 - 13:00 Plenary Session

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 17:00 sectional meetings

Within the framework of the international conference, on November 9, 2018, the first Polish-Ukrainian round table will be held to exchange of experience in the field of land and real estate valuation.

Accommodation: Conference participants are accommodated in hotels in Kyiv at their own expense.

Registration for the conference is carried out online:


Requirements for abstract submission




03040, Ukraine, Kyiv, Vasylkivska str.,17

NUBiP of Ukraine, educational building No.6, room. 117

E-mail: [email protected]


Conference secretary: Liudmyla Hunko tel. +38 050 382 17 44


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