Sergiy M. Kvasha
Vice-Rector for Educational Activities
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Sergiy M. Kvasha was born on September 29, 1958 in the village Velyka Sevastyanivna of Khrystynivskyy district, Cherkasy region. In 1975 he entered the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (UAA) and in 1980 he graduated from the Academy majoring in Economic Cybernetics.
At first, Sergiy M. Kvasha worked as an economist-mathematician at the computing laboratory of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (UAA) (1980-1982), after that he was appointed as a deputy secretary of the komsomol committee of the UAA (1982-1984). From 1984 to 1989 Sergiy M. Kvasha was a trainee and a graduate student of the Department of Agricultural Economics of the UAA and since 1989 he was working as an assistant at the Department of Agriculture. In 1989 he defended his candidate thesis. In 1992-1999 Sergiy M. Kvasha was an assistant and associate professor of the Department of World Agriculture and Foreign-Economic Activities of the National Agricultural University (NAU). During his work at the department, Sergiy Kvasha together with his colleagues formed the educational and scientific concept of training agricultural specialists in foreign-economic activities.
From 1999 to 2000 Sergiy Kvasha was the Head of the Institute of Master Programmes of NAU and, afterwards, performed the duties of the Head of the Institute of Postgraduate Studies of NAU. In 2001 he headed the Department of Economic Theory and Agricultural Policy. During this time he defined the scientific approaches to the role of the agricultural policy in the mechanisms of the state regulation of national economy of Ukraine.
From 2001 to 2008 Sergiy M. Kvasha worked as the Dean of the Department of Economics. He defended his doctoral thesis in 2001 and a year later he became the Doctor of Economic Sciences. Since 2004 Sergiy M. Kvasha is a Professor at the Department of Public Administration. Since 2007 he is a member of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine and in February 2008 he was elected as Academician-Secretary of the Department of Agricultural Economy and Land Relations of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and afterwards to the Presidium of the Academy.
From February 2011 to October 2012, Sergiy M. Kvasha worked as the Head of the Department of Economic Development and Agricultural Market of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. He was a member of the Board of Ministry, Head of the Section on Agricultural Economics of the Research Advisory Council, Head and member of several working groups. His duties included management of the agricultural market of Ukraine, approving food balance with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, coordination of the Agricultural Fund, Agricultural Exchange, the State Food Grain Company, wholesale markets for agricultural products and taking other important regulatory measures for economic development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. He repeatedly took part in the meetings of the Parliamentary Committees, worked closely with the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Committee on Economic Reforms of the Administration of the President Ukraine, was the Head of the working group developing the Law of Ukraine “On Principles of Food Safety”, took part in development of several draft laws of Ukraine, concepts and strategies for the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine for the period till 2020.
From October 2012 to May 2013 Sergiy M. Kvasha performed the duties of the Vice President of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. During this time he coordinated scientific and methodical work of research teams of the Academy and prepared the necessary materials for the General Assembly of the Academy. In February 2013 during the session of the General Assembly of the NAAS by secret ballot Sergiy M. Kvasha was elected as an Academician.
In May 2013 the Presidium of the NAAS appointed Sergiy M. Kvasha as the First Deputy Head for Research Activities of the Institute of Agricultural Economy National Research Centre. Sergiy Kvasha has held this position to present. One of the main duties he performed as the Head of the Centre is coordination of research in foreign-economic activities in the agrarian sector of Ukraine.
Sergiy M. Kvasha has always been actively engaged in solving organizational and scientific-methodological problems of national agricultural economy.
As a leading scientist in the field of agricultural economy Mr Kvasha was invited to certify scientists of the highest qualification. From 2006 to 2014 he was a member and the Vice-President of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine and from 2009 to 2011 he performed the duties of its Head. In 2007 he was elected as a member of the State Accreditation Committee on Economics. At the moment, Sergiy M. Kvasha is an expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for licensing and accreditation of higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
From 2004 to 2010 Sergiy M. Kvasha worked as the Deputy Head of Specialized Academic Council on thesis defence at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, and from 2011 to 2013 he was a member of the Board of this Council.
Sergiy M. Kvasha is involved in training of scientific staff. He is a research supervisor of 2 doctoral theses and 19 candidate theses defended at NULES of Ukraine. Currently, he continues to work with 3 doctoral students and 2 graduate students. Sergiy M. Kvasha is an author or a co-author of approximately 160 scientific papers, including monographs, manuals and tutorials. Sixteen of his works were published abroad.
Sergiy M. Kvasha is a well-known scientist in foreign countries, especially in the countries of the European Union. In 2007 he was invited as a foreign associate member of the Association of Agricultural Economists and Agribusiness – SERIA (Poland), and since September 2007 he was elected as a foreign member of this association. He is a co-founder of the Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak-Hungarian Forum for Cooperation of Deans of the Economic Departments of the Agricultural Universities in these countries. Sergiy M. Kvasha is a member of the editorial board of three international journals of agricultural universities in Poland (agricultural universities in Szczecin and Warsaw) and the Slovak Republic (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra). He is a member of the editorial boards of national journals of the Institute of Agricultural Economics Education and Research Centre, Institute of Agroecology, Institute of Economics of Environmental Resources Management and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine and the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (Journal of Agricultural Science).
Sergiy Kvasha was awarded the title “Honoured Scientist of Ukraine” (2009) for his contribution to the development of agricultural economics, creating his own scientific school, and for educational, scientific and pedagogical activities.
He also has a labour award of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy “Sign of Honour” (2008) and the Certificate on Excellence in Education of the Ministry of Education and Science o Ukraine. In 2010 Sergiy M. Kvasha was granted the Honourable Sign of the Senate of Warsaw Agricultural University.