Department of Economic Cybernetics

Scientific communication

Department supports scientific relations with many foreign and domestic universities and research institutes. Department collaborates in the field of Master program "Forecasting socio-economic processes" with control Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, signed a cooperation agreement with the Scientific Research Institute of Finance National University of State tax Service of Ukraine under Ministry of Taxes and Duties Ukraine, regarding the use of information technology in developing methods of forecasting parameters socio-economic development of certain branches of economy, including agriculture.

Established relations with University of Warsaw Life Sciences (publications, performances at conferences), continued cooperation with the Russian State Agrarian University (name K.A. Timiryazyeva). Department collaborates with VM Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine, Department of Economic Cybernetics and economic-mathematical modelling of the leading universities of the country (National Technical University of Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv National University, Kiev national economical university, Donetsk National University, Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, DNNU academic of science Academy of Financial Management). Every year the lecturers of the department take part in international and national conferences on broad range of economic development issues.

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