Kravchenko Olga


Assistant Kravchenko Olga

Kravchenko Olga graduated with honor from National University of life and environmental sciences in 2009. She had a fellowship program at Wageningen University (Netherlands)
From 2010 to 2013 Kravcheko Olga studied at the full-time postgraduate program at the Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry and Water Quality. Since 2013 she has been working as an assistant at the department of General Chemistry.
Educational work:
Assistant Kravchenko O. provides laboratory training for students of educational qualification «Bachelor» at the faculties:
      Quality, standardization and certification of agricultural products;
      Mechanics and Technology;
      Water bioresources and aquaculture.
Scientific work:
Field of scientific research: "Nanoaquacitrates of transition metals in hydroecosystems: types, properties, transformation, ecotoxicology."
Kravchenko O. - chief of student scientific group "Food Additives: Pros and Cons", which is a winner "Student Science Festival -2014"
The main scientific works for the 2013-2015:
1. Kravchenko O. Toxicity of nanoaquachelates and safety of their using in fishery /          O. Kravchenko, V. Maksin, N. Vovk // Second International Seminar "Ethics and Safety of Nanotechnology." - 2013- P. 72-74.
2. Kravchenko O. Antibacterial activity of Nanoaquacitrates metals on fish pathogens /                            O. Kravchenko, V.Maksin, N. Vovk, V. Kaplunenko // Life and Environmental Sciences. - 2013. - Volume 4 (№ 3-4). - P.44- 48
3. Kravchenko O. The influence of nanoaquacitrates on larvae of fish / O. Kravchenko,            V. Maksin, N.Vovk, T. Aretynskaya // "Vesnik Hrodzenskaha State University” - 2013 - № 3. –P.115-120
4. Kravchenko O. Effect of nanoaquachelates of silver and copper on representatives of higher trophic levels of aquatic ecosystems / O. Kravchenko, V.Maksin // "Colloid - chemical problems of environmental protection and water quality control ." -2014 . - P. 32-34 .
5. Kravchenko O. Appication of embriotest on Danio rerio to assess the toxicity of nanoaquacitrates / O Kravchenko, I. Zlatskyy, V. Kovalenko, V.Maksin // Scientific Bulletin of ESU Series biology. - 2014 .
6. Kravchenko O. Determination of toxicity of nanoaquacitrates using bioassay methods in aquatic environment / O. Kravchenko, V. Kovalenko, V. Maksin // Collection of Abstracts IV All-Ukrainian scientific -practical conference of young scientists and students ' Water in the food industry. " - 2015 - p. 73-75
7. Kravchenko O. Comparative analysis of the effect of copper sulfate and nanoaquacitrtaesa on embryonic development of Danio rerio / O. Kravchenko , I.Zlatskyy , V.Kovalenko, V.Maksin // Actual problems of ecology - 2015: P.115 -121


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