
Head of the Department of International Relations and Social Studies
Victoria KHVIST

Phone: 527-81-16

E-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of History and Political Science, Candidate of History.

In 1999 she graduated from the Faculty of History of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
In 2003 she defended her dissertation for a Candidate's degree " Demographic changes in the structure of the population of independent Ukraine: Ukrainian study aspect". 
Author and co-author of over 170 scientific, educational and methodical works, including: monographs – 2, scientific articles and conference proceedings – 46 (40 of them – in professional journals), teaching and learning aids – 67.
Lecturer works in the University since 2002.
She gives lectures and conducts seminars in the history of Ukraine and the history of Ukrainian culture at the Faculties:
- Energetics and Automation.
- Computer Science and Economic Cybernetics;
- Agricultural Management;
- Forestry;




Phone: 527-81-16

E-mail: [email protected]

Professor of the Department of International Relations and Social Science, Doctor Habilitat of History.

He graduated from the Faculty of History of Cherkasy State University  named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky in 1998.

He defended his thesis "Agricultural education in Ukraine: historical aspect (nineties years of the XX-th century – the beginning of the XXI-st century)" in 2005.
He defended his doctoral thesis "Socio-economic and national-cultural fracture of the Ukrainian peasantry (1929–1939th)" in 2014.
BILAN S.O. Author of 200 scientific and educational works, including: monographs – 13, reference books – 18, scientific articles – 67, curriculum – 1, teaching and learning aids – 102.
Lecturer works in the University since 2003.
He gives lectures and conducts seminars of "History of the Ukrainian statehood" and "Country Studies"


Phone: 527-81-71

E-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor of History and Political Science, Doctor Habilitat of Philosophy.

In 2000, Volodymyr Kalugha graduated from the School of Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with Master Degree in Political science, a lecturer in social and political science, and philosophy.

In 2004, he defended a dissertation for a Candidate's degree “The role of ontology in the comprehension of political phenomenon (based on the H. Arendt’s concept)”, specialty 09.00.01 – Ontology, Gnoseology, Phenomenology. 
In 2008, Dr. Kalugha received the academic title of an Associate Professor.
Volodymyr Kalugha has been working as a lecturer in the National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine since 2003.
Volodymyr Kalugha is an author and a co-author of over 50 research papers and tutorial papers, including: monographs – 5, brochures – 2, reference books – 2, scientific articles – 37, textbooks – 1 (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), teaching and learning aids – 40.
The most successful Dr. Kaluga’s book is:
Kaluga V.F. Man’s doom of sexuality. The problem of human identity relatively of man’s sexual nature: monograph / Kalugha V.F. – Nizhyn: PB Lysenko M.M., 2011. – 486 p.
His scientific interests vary from the nature of individual and collective identity, socio-political management and marketing to agrarian sciences and education. 
He gives lectures and conducts seminars in political science at the schools of Economics, of Biotechnology, of Forestry, and of Veterinary medicine.



E-mail: [email protected]

Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the department of international relations and social sciences

She graduated from the Faculty of History of Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko in 1988.

In 1993, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.

She defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences in 2006.

Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific and educational-methodological works, including 5 individual monographs, 16 collective monographs, 2 collections of documents, 7 encyclopedic publications, 7 educational-methodical manuals, the rest - scientific articles, theses of scientific conferences, reviews.

He has been working at the university since 2021.

Conducts classes on the discipline "History of Ukrainian statehood".




Phone: 527-81-16

E-mail: [email protected]



Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences
Graduated from the Faculty of History of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Cherkasy State University in 1999.
Defended her PhD thesis in 2005.
Defended her PhD thesis in 2018.
Author and co-author of over 200 scientific and educational and methodological works, including: 5 monographs (3 of which are co-authored), collective collection of documents – 1, bibliographical and biobibliographic indexes – 37, textbooks – 1 (1 – Vif of the Ministry of National Education and Science of Ukraine), course of lectures – 1, lecture notes – 1, scientific articles – 101 (including 1 article in a journal included in Scopus.
Works at the university since 2024
Lectures and conducts seminars on the discipline "History of Ukrainian Statehood". 



Associate Professor

Phone: 527-81-16

E-mail: [email protected]

 Candidate of Historical Sciences (1988) - World History, Associate Professor of International Relations and Social Sciences.

He graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Law of Kyiv State University. T.G. Shevchenko, 1978, specialist in international relations.
Author and co-author of about 100 scientific, popular science and scientific works.
He has been working at the university since 2016.
He lectures and conducts seminars in a number of disciplines "Introduction to the specialty" International Relations "," History of Diplomacy "," Modern Political Systems and Technologies ".

Associate Professor

Phone: 527-81-71

E-mail: [email protected]

PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences.
He graduated from the Faculty of History of V. I. Vernadsky Tavrida National University in 2011.
He defended his PhD thesis "Mechanism of Formation and the Main Directions of the Foreign Policy of Bulgaria in 1989-2013" in 2014.
Author of more than 50 scientific publications, including publications in Ukraine, Bulgaria and Kazakhstan.
Sphere of interests: international relations in Central and Eastern Europe, Ukrainian revolution of 1917–1921.
He has been working at the university since 2019.
He conducts lectures and seminars on the subjects "History of Ukrainian statehood", "International relations and world politics", "Information and analytical activities in international relations"



Associate Professor

Phone: 527-81-16

E-mail: [email protected]

Present Position and Current Duties 

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Department of History and Political Sciences
Associate Professor of History 
Educational Record
1993-1997 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,   
PhD in History of Ukraine
PhD thesis: "Reformations in Agro-industrial Complex of Ukraine: Problems and Experience (1991-1996)". 
1985-1990 Kiev State Pedagogical Institute named after Gorky
Teacher of History and Political Sciences
Main Directions of Scientific effort
- World and European history
- History of Ukraine and Ukrainian agriculture
- Social organizations
- Higher education systems in the World and Ukraine
Scientific publications:
Totally – over 190 papers, including: books – 52, brochures – 1, reference books – 15, teaching instructions – 36, practicum – 3, curriculum – 6, monographs – 9, articles – 40, conference proceedings – 28.
Lecturer works in the University since 1993.
Teaching experience 
Annually – about 800 contact hours.
Lecturer of courses from History of Ukraine, Culture, “Bologna process” for the students majoring:
6.010106 – "Social pedagogics"(teaching Ukrainian and English); 
6.030401 – "Law"; 
6.100102 – "Processes, Machines and Equipment of Agro-industrial Production";
6.110101 – "Veterinary Medicine" (teaching English).

Associate Professor

Phone: 527-81-16

E-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of History and Political Science, Candidate of History.

In 1991 she graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, Faculty of Electrification and Automation of Agriculture. 

In  1997 she defended her dissertation for a Candidate's degree "Social conglomerates of Ukraine in reforming of agricultural sector of AIG (1991-1996 years)".
KROPYVKO O.M. is an author  and co-author of over 190 research papers and tutorial papers, including: monographs – 6, textbooks – 8, reference books, brochures – 27, teaching and learning aids – 84, scientific articles – 63.
Lecturer works in the University since 1992.
She gives lectures and conducts seminars in the history of Ukraine at the Faculties:
- Veterinary Medicine;
- Agrobiology
- Biotechnology.

Associate Professor

Phone: 527-81-16

E-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor of the Department of History and Political Science, Candidate of History.

In 2000 she graduated from the Faculty of History of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov.

She defended her thesis "Development of the local self-government under the conditions of the building up of the civil society in Ukraine (90-years of the twentieth century – beginning of XXI century)" in 2003.
LANOVIUK L.P. is an author and co-author of 100 scientific and educational works, including: monographs – 5, reference book – 14, scientific articles – 40, curriculum – 1, teaching and learning aids – 43.
Lecturer works in the University since 2003.
She gives lectures and conducts seminars in the history of Ukraine and the history of Ukrainian culture at the Faculties:
- Agricultural Management;
- Agrobiosystems engineering;
- Construction and design of machines and systems of nature;
- Energetics and Automation.

Associate Professor

Phone: 527-81-16

E-mail: [email protected]

 Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Department of International Relations and Social Sciences.

She graduated from the Faculty of History of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda in 2014.
She defended her dissertation in 2010.
He has been working at the university since 2020.
Author of 1 monograph, 2 biobibliographic indexes, 3 textbooks and more than 50 scientific articles.
He gives lectures and conducts seminars on the subject "History of Ukrainian statehood".

Associate Professor

Phone: (044) 527-80-82

E-mail: [email protected]


PhD in History, associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences.

In 2013, she graduated from the Petro Mohyla National University with a degree in "Political Science". In 2014, she obtained a master's degree, majoring in "Public service" (at Petro Mohyla National University of Ukraine). In 2018, she graduated from Petro Mohyla National University with a specialty of 032 "History and Archeology", qualification "historian, teacher".

In 2019, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences: "Development of the notary in the South of Ukraine (1866-1917)".

Since 2019, she is a NAMED expert on the accreditation of educational programs, specialty 032 "History and archeology".

From 2022 - Deputy Dean of the Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty of National University of Life and Environmental science of Ukraine.

Research interests: history of Southern Ukraine, notary, history of education, history of development of notary, gender history and EU history.

She is member of specialized organizations: Center of Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation; NGO "All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Union of Educators of Ukraine"; "Association of International Educational and Scientific Cooperation", Mykolaiv Regional Organization of the National Union of Local History of Ukraine (MOO NSKU).

She gives lectures and conducts seminars on the disciplines "History of Ukrainian Statehood", "EU in International Relations", "Basics of Scientific Research", "Information and Analytical Activity in International Relations", "Political Science and Sociology".



Senior laboratory assistant

Phone: 527-81-16, 527-81-71

E-mail: [email protected]


Departnent of International Relations



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