Department of Crop Growing


Department staff takes great methodological and teaching work in close cooperation with relevant ministries and other state bodies of Ukraine.
NNP department are members of the NMC direction "Agriculture" of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine - prof. Kalensky SM headed by NMC, Associate Dmytryshak MJ - Secretary of the NMC.
Department staff worked closely with all the agricultural universities of Ukraine, regarding methods of teaching and research activities, organizing and conducting conferences NNP and students of other activities.
Research carried out by topical areas closely with:
national research institutions:
 NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS of Ukraine" (2b, st. Mashynobudivnykiv town. Shepherds, Kiev Svyatoshinsky district, Kiev region., 08162, Ukraine)
 Institute forage NAAS of Ukraine (Prospect Youth, 16, Vinnitsa, 21100, Ukraine, (380-432) 46-41-16. E-mail: [email protected])
 Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beet (03141, Kyiv, str. Clinical, 25. Tel.: (+38-044) 275-50-00, E-mail: [email protected])
 Institute for Potato NAAS of Ukraine (07853, Institute of potato (IC) UAAS street. Chkalov, 22 Nemishaeve, Borodyansky district, Kiev)
 MYRONIVSKY Institute Wheat them. V.M.Remesla NAAS of Ukraine (Central Street., Building 2, Central, Dnipropetrovsk region. 08853)
 Ukrainian State Seed Inspectorate (3190, Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Bauman 9/12, 5th floor)
 National Botanical Garden. MM Grishko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev 01014, ul.Timiryazevskaya 1.)
 NSC "Nikitsky Botanical Garden" (98648, Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Yalta, pos. Nikita, botanycheskyy Nikitsky Gardens - National nauchnыy center)

 Kiev National University. Shevchenko (str, 64, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine)
 Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences (03022, Kyiv, str. Vasilkovskaya, 31/17, f.257-5150 [email protected])
 Institute of Agroecology NAAS of Ukraine (12, str. Metrology, Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine)
 Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and agricultural production NAAS of Ukraine (Chernihiv, Shevchenko Str., 97, 14027)
and other research agencies of NAAS of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
foreign partners:
 Aleksandras Stulhinskisa University (Lithuania, Kaunas);
 Institute fuels and renewable energy (Warsaw, Poland);
 Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany, Bernburg);
 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria, Vienna);
 international firms ("Syngenta", "Kunh", "Pionner", "Bayer", "Monsanto" and others) on crop production, quality, marketable products and seeds, techniques and methods for its determination;
 other international research institutions and firms.


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