Scientific Library

About Library

           Scientific library of the university is the largest among the libraries of higher agricultural educational establishments in Ukraine.

Being a scientific-informative, cultural and educational subdivision the library plays an important role in reference-informatory providing, scientific work at the University, in training highly qualified specialists for agrarian sector and improving students’ general cultural level.

            Its history dates back to 1904 when a library of the agricultural society at Kiev Polytechnic Institute was set up, later –- an agricultural department of KPI, since 1924 it is the library of Kiev Agricultural Institute, since 1954 – a library of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, since 1992 – a library of the Ukrainian State Agricultural University, since 2000 – a library of the National Agricultural University. From 2008 it is The Library of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences.

One of the principal tasks of the library is setting up the fund in compliance with the university type and informational requirements of its users of all categories. The librarian fund is diversified, it numbers nearly 1 million periodicals in foreign and national literature including rare publications (since 1779), and dissertations (since 1946). Annually the library acquires over 350 journals and over 50 newspapers.

            A reference and bibliography sections represent alphabetic, systematic, electronic catalogues and card files. This section favors to the comprehensive use of the librarian fund. To familiarize the first-year students with the library the classes related to the use of the reference and bibliography departments are held in compliance with the program “Informative Culture”.

            The information of the library and its recourses (e-catalogue, bibliography indices, portal AGORA, URAN) is placed on the site of the library:

           An area occupied by the library makes up 2844 sq.m. The users of the scientific library are attended at 8 subscription posts and 8 reading rooms for 580 persons. The structure of the library includes 5 branches of scientific libraries of the educational scientific institutes whose funds are provided with academic, scientific, reference literature and subscriptions. All these libraries are equipped with up-to-date computer techniques.

            Moreover there are 2 subscription posts for providing users of all categories with scientific literature and works of fiction. The users have free access to the Internet both in the central library and its branches as well. If the necessary literature is not available in the librarian funds it can be reserved on the basis of inter-librarian subscription (ILS) by e-mail ([email protected]). Such a diversified system of the library makes it possible to annually serve over 40000 users. The books’ delivery reaches over 1 million per 1 year.

            The library is equipped with the newest computer equipment: 71 computers, 13 printers, 12 scanners, a powerful data base server. After renovat the central library and its branches have a modern comfortable interior for the users. 

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