Educational activity
The main purpose of the task and the department - the educational process for the acquisition by students and students of postgraduate training knowledge that form the basis for effective learning specific subjects and practical training in contributing to the development of skills of social and educational activities , and creating psychological and pedagogical skills of future teachers .
NNP department enforce curriculum training area of expertise 0101 - " Teacher Education " specialty "Social Pedagogy" "Bachelor " specialty "Professional Education" OCD "Specialist" and industry experts knowledge " Specific categories " specialty "Pedagogy of higher school " level " master".
The staff conduct sessions on the following faculties:
- Teacher ,
- Engineering ahrobiosystem ,
- Land management,
- Legal,
- Forestry .
The Department provides the following disciplines:
- "Pedagogy "
- " Psychological and pedagogical principles of interpersonal communication "
- " Comparative Pedagogy "
- "Fundamentals of eloquence "
- "Fundamentals of vocational work ,"
- "Methods tutor job "
- " Higher School of Pedagogy "
- " History of Education "
- "The organization of educational work in universities '
- " Teaching Technology "
- "Ethics teacher of high school "
- "Fundamentals of educational excellence "
- "The development of higher education in foreign countries "
- " Basic scientific research in pedagogy "
- "Pedagogy of Family Education "
- "The general and professional education "
- "History of Pedagogy and Education in Ukraine "
- "The organization of work in school "
- "Pedagogy and methodology of teaching in higher education "
- " Theory and history of social education "
Training is carried out in the following forms: training sessions, individual assignments , independent work of students, practical training, control measures.
Practical training
Production ( research and teaching) and teaching introductory teaching practice
The Department of Education provides practical training for students of specialty "Pedagogy of higher school ", which aims to consolidate and develop professional teaching skills , enhance professional knowledge directly in the workplace employee of the university, fostering a professionally important qualities of a high school teacher .
Base practice are National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The leadership practices involved teachers of the department of pedagogy.
During the internship , students are introduced to the structure and main activities of higher education institutions, regulatory and methodical documentation, principles of organization and management schools , work their services, departments, divisions, with qualification requirements for teachers and their functionality is required ' yazkamy , acquire skills in analyzing , preparing and conducting training sessions, educational activities .
The production of social and pedagogical practice
Future social workers at the end of VI semester undergoing social and pedagogical practice which care for teachers. Its purpose is mastering professional social and pedagogical skills in a production environment , which involves the use of modern methods, forms and means of professional activity and the formation of professional personal qualities. The objective is achieved as a result of student social and educational activities in different types of social institutions that provide social and educational assistance to children and youth, familiarity with different groups of children and young people with social and educational problems (children with disabilities , children who without parental care ), teenage and youth groups at risk , children and young people prone to adektyvnoyi behavior, acquisition of professional functions ( communicative, organizational, prognostic , security and protection, diagnostic, preventive , preventative , remedial and rehabilitation , socio- therapeutic ); development of creativity in solving professional tasks.
Seminars improving teacher skills
Permanent Scientific Seminar "Methods of educational work mentor student group " for mentors student groups 1 st year NUBiP Ukraine
Since 1997, by order of the Rector Academician D. Melnychuk The University has a permanent scientific-methodical seminar "Methods of educational work mentor student group " for mentors 1st course .
Mentors are trained at a seminar during the academic year - from September to June. Organization of the workshop dealing department of pedagogy and educational and scientific center of cultural, educational and social work.
The curriculum provides for mastering topics on issues of education, social psychology and sociology. School hours are applied in nature and are subject to the results of psychological and educational research in the mentor assigned to the group. After defending his final works workshop students are given a certificate of training sample set .
Scientific Seminar training of scientific and pedagogical staff agricultural universities I-IV accreditation levels " Psychological and pedagogical foundations of vocational education "
For 50 years, the Department of Education ever conducted seminars on improving teacher skills faculty members, who have no teacher training. These seminars have raised significant qualification of teachers NUBiP Ukraine . Today seminar entitled " Psychological and pedagogical foundations of vocational education " base his conduct - NUBiP Ukraine , ESI postgraduate education.
The curriculum provides for the seminar topics mastering the problems of pedagogical skills of teachers agrarian , education of students , the educational process in higher education .
NNP department actively participate in the seminar "Innovative teaching activities focus ", which the audience is teachers of regional agriculture universities.