Department of Culturology

Research activities

          For several years, the department worked on the research project "Formation of a harmoniously developed personality of experts in nature protection and agro-industrial industries by means of cultural and educational activities" under the leadership of the head of the department Maidanyuk Iryna Zinoviivna.Scientists investigated the current state of spiritual development of student youth, the role of the educational environment for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, the main directions and forms of cultural and educational activities in higher educational institutions of natural sciences;the role of mentors of academic groups in cultural and educational work with the student body, conceptual principles of forming leadership qualities of future employees of the agricultural sector.According to the results of the activity, 5 author's certificates for scientific works were obtained, more than 40 scientific articles were published in various publications.
          Now the department is working on finding a new topic for carrying out scientific research. During each year, the NPP of the department took part in more than 20 international scientific conferences, including abroad: "Ukrainian diaspora and its present" (Rome, Italy), "Tarasov Kolossya" (Barcelona, Spain), "Days of Naturalists" (Wocław, Poland), "Actual issues and problems of the development of social sciences" (Kielce, Poland) "Modern problems of the interaction of educational and civic organizations in the education of students" (Minsk, Belarus), "Northern Athens - culturaldialogue between East and West" (Vilnius, Lithuania) - and in Ukraine: "Development of modern education: theory, practice, innovations" (Kyiv), "Actual problems of higher professional education of Ukraine" (Kyiv), "Science Days of the Faculty of Philosophy" (Kyiv), "Scientific research in the 3rd millennium: social, legal, economic and humanitarian dimensions" (Kropyvnytskyi), "The phenomenon of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi as a statesman, scientist, citizen" (Kyiv), "The spiritual image of the Man of Culture of the 21st century: methodology, theory and practice" (Kyiv), "Educationnational elite - the foundation of long-term development of society" (Kyiv), "Language and intercultural communication" (Poltava), "Bestiary code in the dialogue of cultures: tradition and modernity" (Kherson), etc.
          Back in 2015, the department became a co-organizer of the International Scientific Conference "Dialogue of Cultures Ukraine-Greece: Cultural Policy of the 21st Century in European Retrospective", conferences and round tables on this topic are held every year.
          Among the all-Ukrainian conferences and seminars (and there are more than 20 of them on the account of the NPP of the department): "Space - Art - therapy: a palette of emotions" (Kyiv);"Taras Shevchenko: man and poet" (Kyiv);"Literary space and modern society" (Kyiv);"Patriotism and spirituality in Ukraine" (Kyiv);"Cultural aspects of the interaction of music and theater" (Kyiv); "Modern aspects of the preservation of folk culture" (Borshchiv), "Scientific thought of the present and the future" (Pereyaslav Khmelnytskyi);"State language in education" (Kyiv);"Traditional culture of Ukraine of the 21st century as a component of cultural policy: current state, threats, prospects" (Kyiv);"Ethnopedagogy" (Chernihiv);"The Ukrainian language as a factor of national statehood" (Chernihiv).
     Scientific work of students is carried out by preparing students for participation in student Olympiads and conferences (annual international conference "Days of Naturalists", (Wroclaw, Poland, Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences); All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Cultural Studies; student scientific conference "Cultural Problems of Modernity".

    A student scientific circle works at the department. 

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