Social and Psychological Services Center
Social and Psychological Services Centre

The aim of the Centre is to establish psychological and pedagogical conditions for complete realization of personal and intellectual potential of students using achievements of modern Ukrainian and global psychology; to enhance the effectiveness of the educative process at NUBiP of Ukraine.
Foci of Centre
- psychological diagnostics of students and faculty members;
- psychological correction work among students;
- psychological preventive work among students and faculty members;
- consultancy;
- educative work to clarify urgent psychological problems of a personality;
- rehabilitation work to overcome crisis situations and after trauma disorders;
- prognostic work among students and faculty members to improve mental health.
Tasks of Centre
- to support the educational process at NUBiP of Ukraine; to encourage personal and professional growth of students and faculty members of the university;
- to study conditions of successful communication of «student-teacher» and «student-student»;
- to encourage students to identify and develop their creative abilities and potential;
- to provide conditions of the formation of students’ motivation of self-education and self-development;
- to provide conditions of students’ adaptation to study in new conditions, the encouragement of the formation of psychological readiness to a student’s future career;
- psychological literacy, the enhancement of psychological culture among the participants of the educational process;
- the encouragement of the development of psychological competence among faculty members and students-future specialists;
- a psychological and a pedagogical examination of all participants of the educational process, the monitoring of the content and conditions of personal development of students and faculty members;
- preventive measures and a psychological and pedagogical correction of a deviant behavior and mental development of students, interpersonal and inter group relations of participants of the educational process;
- to consult students and faculty members;
- preventive and educative work.
Activity foci of Center:
1. A psychological support of an educational process:
- to identify the degree of the formation of personal and cognitive qualities of students in order to further optimize their mental development;
- a psychological examination of students to reveal their self-organisation and interior motivation;
- psychological diagnostics of cognitive abilities of students, to identify psychological and pedagogical conditions of student’s mastering academic material;
- to ease the process of social and psychological adaptation of students at the university;
- to encourage the formation of professional identity of future specialists and professional meaningful qualities;
- the diagnostics of disorders of cognitive and personal development of students;
- to encourage the formation of professional reflection and self-awareness of students;
- a timely detection of creative abilities of students;
- the diagnostics of interpersonal relations between students and between students and faculty members;
- the diagnostics of a psychological climate in student groups;
2. Correction and consultancy work
- to encourage the search of positive solutions of conflicts among faculty staff and student groups;
- to offer psychological services to faculty members;
- to correct disorders of mental development of a student;
- to develop correction programs to optimize a pedagogical impact;
- to develop correction forms and methods of work to inhibit negative phenomena among students;
- to offer a consultancy service to solve family problems;
- to offer a consultancy service to students who are emotionally tense in academic situations;
- to offer consultancy services in personal issues;
- to offer consultancy services in solving urgent life problems, crises, interpersonal conflicts;
- to offer psychological and therapist services to help people develop adequate behavioral, communicative abilities in different life, academic, and career situations;
- to enhance the importance of student groups among students.
3. Preventive and educative work
- to prevent difficulties which occur during an educational process;
- to enhance a psychological competence and psychological culture of all participants of an educational process;
- to give lectures on urgent issues of psychology;
- to develop methodical recommendations to prevent negative moments during the educational process;
- to popularize a healthy lifestyle;
- to prevent disorders in personal development of students, and to prevent disorders in interpersonal relations;
- to prevent an abnormal and a destructive behavior among students;
- to organize events to popularize psychological competence among students, faculty members of the university.

Shmarhun Vitalii Mykolayovych
Tel.: +38 (067) 696-53-70
Discussion Club "Sincerity"
March, 12 2015. The first meeting of Discussion Club «Sincerity» of Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy took place. The topic for the discussion was initiated by students. So we discussed the unification of a Ukrainian society. The motto of the meeting became Taras Shevchenko’s words: «Unite my brothers, I call for this! »
Students of specialties such as «Pedagogy of higher education», «Linguistics», «Social pedagogy» tried to answer some questions. What social need should a contemporary pedagogue meet? What practical problems should they be ready for? What values should they develop in their students?
The problem of a Ukrainian society became the issue of a hot discussion. However, the participants came to the solution that tolerance, forgiveness and love to children are principles of an educator’s work.
Participants also discussed patriotism. Students were interested in the presentation made by Palchuk Valentyna Eduardivna, candidate of social communication sciences, a researcher of Volodymyr Vernadskyi National library, a coordinator of volunteer movement in Kyiv and Kyiv region. Valentyna Eduardivna told about the support to ATO participants, read a touching letter from a granny who was knitting socks for Ukrainian soldiers and thanked faculty members and students of specialty «The management of an educational establishment» for their help to soldiers of the 72nd brigade. The example of this strong but tender lady is a bright model of an active civil position which is worth following.
Dean V. Shynkaruk, Professor V. Shmarhun also participated in the discussion.
Liudmyla Mykolaivna Omelchenko is a coordinator of Discussion Club «Sincerity» and the hostess of this meeting. Welcome to attend next meetings of this club