Council of Young Researchers of Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy

Head of the Council of Young Researchers of Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy
Ivashchuk Maksym Volodymyrovych

Phone: +38(063)873-52-39

E-mail: [email protected]



         The purpose of the activities of the Council of Postgraduate students of Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy is to protect and implement the rights, interests and duties of postgraduate students, support and promote scientific activities, and organize meaningful leisure time for young scientists of The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

                                                                              Activities of the Postgraduate Council:


1. Participation in meetings of the University Postgraduate Council;
2. Involvement of graduate students in holding round tables, seminars, conferences;
3. Information about the possibility of printing articles in professional periodicals and international cited publications;
4. Involvement of graduate students in cultural and artistic and sports and mass events of the faculty and university;
5. Provision of information on the Council's official pages and involvement in scientific and practical events, internships, grant competitions, scholarship programs.


Research specialties

Branch code

Knowledge branch

Specialty code






Educational, pedagogical sciences

Theory and methodology of learning

Theory and methodology of education

Information and communication technologies in education


Professional education (according to specialties)

Theory and methodology of professional education


The Humanities


History and archaeology

History of Ukraine



History of philosophy



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