Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation

History of the Department


History of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation    

 Chronicle of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation started on September 1, 2010 (the department was established upon a decision of the Academic Council of  NUBiP of  Ukraine, rector’s  order № 790). Until 27 December, 2010 it was called "the Department of Social Pedagogy and Sociology". On 28 December, 2010 the department was renamed (rector’s order № 1250) and a graduation specialty 8.01010601 – "social pedagogy" was established. Since then the department has taken a prominent place among higher educational establishments of Ukraine.

Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Sociology in 2010
     The founder of the department is a doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Tverezovska N.T., who was its head until September, 2013. A graduate of Hlukhiv state S.M. Sergeyev-Tsensky Pedagogical Institute and Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical Institute, she researches the theory and methodology of professional education and conducts theoretical analysis of education informatization problems. She is the author of over 450 academic publications, including 5 monographs and 12 textbooks. Under her supervision 22 PhD and 2 doctoral theses were defended.
Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies Department in 2012
     The Department trains post-graduate and doctoral students in specialties: 13.00.02 – theory and methods of education (agricultural subjects), 13.00.04 – theory and methods of professional education. In 2010 started a postgraduate program in specialty 13.00.10 – information and communications technologies in education.
    For the first time in the history of the university a specialized pedagogical doctoral scientific council started its work in the specialties: 13.00.02 – theory and methods of education (agricultural disciplines), 13.00.04 – theory and methods of professional education, 13.00.10 – information and communications technologies in education.
     Along with studies and educational work, teachers of the department are engaged in research work: "Development of innovative techniques of the educational process in the agricultural universities by means of information and communications technologies", "Theoretical and methodological foundations for the use of innovative educational technologies for training specialists in agricultural universities". As a result a number of dissertations were defended (T.F. Melnychuk, O.O. Zelikovska, S.V. Shtangey, E.I. Dibrivna, T.I. Osipova, O.P. Vytrykhovska, A.I. Blozva , D.I. Kasatkin, O.V. Lapa, N.O. Reptukh). 
Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies in Education in 2013
     From September 2013 till February 2015 the department was headed by PhD, Associate Professor I.M. Romaniuk, a graduate of the Poltava Military Command College of Communications and Institute of Humanities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He is the author of over 100 scientific papers and a scientific supervisor of 3 defended PhD theses.
Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies in Education in 2015
     From February 2015 till October 2016 the department was headed by doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor P.G. Luzan. After successful graduation from engineering and pedagogical department of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, Petro G. Luzan started his career in 1980 as an assistant of the machinery and handling machinery department. Engineering education became his credo and was reflected firstly in his PhD and then doctoral thesis "Theoretical and methodological bases of educational and cognitive activity formation among students of agricultural universities", specialty 13.00.04 – theory and methods of professional education.  P.G. Luzan was also the author of over 200 scientific papers, including 7 monographs (2 – co-authored), 2 textbooks (co-authored), 7 study guides (6 – co-authored), over  80 scientific papers on theory and methods of professional education. He has also supervised 20 PhD and 2 doctoral theses.
    Since October, 2016 the department was headed by a doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor  L.V. Viktorova, a graduate of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. 
     Lesіa V. Viktorova works for NUBiP of Ukraine since 2004. Her research interests lie in the sphere of strategic communications, intercultural communication, psycholinguistic diagnostics, speech image, communicative culture, communicative deviations. She is the author of over 100 scientific and educational papers, including 5 monographs, 2 textbooks approved by Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, guidelines, 100 scientific publications in domestic and foreign professional editions.
Staff of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies in Education in 2016
     Nowadays the department consists of 13 people, including four doctors of science, five professors and five associate professors. 
     The priority directions of the department are educational and scientific issues of social pedagogy development in the context of public challenge caused by transformation of economic and social relations, development of innovations in digital education in the process of teaching future professionals, solving the problems in the social sphere, elaboration of theory and practice of social, correctional education and psychology.
Staff of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies in Education in 2017
    We are proud of our departments, which have the most publications by specialty in publications indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science, and the highest citation index of works. These are I.I. Demchenko, R.O. Tarasenko, I.V. Sopivnyk, N.T. Tverezovska, I.I. Osadchenko. Among the teachers of the department are chairmen, academic secretaries and members of specialized councils for the defense of dissertations (I.I. Demchenko, O.B. Koshuk, R.O. I.V. Sopivnyk, Tarasenko, N.T. Tverezovska), members of editorial boards in domestic and foreign scientific journals (I.I. Demchenko, I.V. Sopivnyk). Professor I.I. Osadchenko is the co-founder and head of the public organization "International Association of Modern Education, Science and Culture". Docent O.P. Prokhorchuk is a member of the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
   The scientific achievements of the department in recent years have been published monographs and manuals. Scientific and practical conferences organized by the department have become traditional: II scientific and practical conference with international participation "Medicine and psychology in human reproduction - a multidisciplinary approach"; The All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Social practices in the focus of social work" and the international scientific conference "The role of youth in the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine".
For teachers of professional colleges, the department introduced a scientific internship "Psycho-pedagogical environment of the FPV institution and higher education and higher education in the conditions of inclusive education during and after the war", and for entrants of NUBiP of Ukraine - a master class on writing a motivation letter for admission to a higher education institution.
   Among the achievements of the department is the preparation of the NDR project, which will be implemented at the expense of the general fund of the state budget on the topic "Professional training of social workers to work on informing the population affected by emergency situations" (head - N.T. Tverezovska); preparation, publication and distribution of the scientific journal "Humanities Studies: Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy" (responsible secretary I.V. Sopivnyk).
   At the initiative of our students, the "Student Social Service" was created at the university level, which provides social support for students who need help on a "peer-to-peer" basis. There are 2 student scientific circles at the department: "School of organizer of social and psychological space" (I.I. Osadchenko) and "Social and psychological studio" (A.V. Kartushynska).
Thanks to close cooperation with employers, students have the opportunity to work as part of the Ukrainian Children's Center "Young Guard" team, in the "Chaika" children's camp, in the Kyiv City Center for Gender Equality, in inclusive resource centers and in numerous social and rehabilitation institutions.
   On the initiative of the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor V.D. Shinkaruk, in 2021, the educational and scientific laboratory "Center for social and psychological rehabilitation" was opened and certified at the department.
At the center of the universe of both program guarantors and department specialists is the student with all his growing educational demands, the quality, interest and extraordinary satisfaction of which the department must take care of. Because it is our graduates who will create the future social sphere of the state and defend the dignity and value of people.
Не згуби в своїм серці людину!» – на гуманітарно-педагогічному факультеті  відбувся випуск бакалаврів 2022 року

Staff of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation in 2022




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