Student scientific group "Antioxidants in the food industry"

Head of the group -


Olena Khyzhan

Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences


The activities of the student scientific group “Antioxidants in the food industry” are aimed at helping students in in-depth study of the fundamentals of physical chemistry, familiarizing themselves with the application of achievements and methods of physical chemistry in the food industry, as well as acquiring skills for students to conduct independent scientific work, work with literature, writing reports, articles


Main tasks of the group:

• organization of research and inventive activities of students;

• creating conditions for discovering the scientific and creative potential of group members;

• participation in scientific conferences, seminars and other research activities.


Students of the Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products,  of the Faculty of Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology and of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine participate in the work of the group.

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