The second semester has begun!

February 10, 2021

   According to the schedule of NUBiP studding in the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year academic staff of the Department of Management named after. Prof. J. Zavadsky successfully started the educational process.
   At the first lesson masters of the 1st year of study of various specialties listened to a lecture by the head of the Department Professor Tatiana Balanovska in selective discipline "HR Management". On the third and fourth lessons for the same students, Associate Professor Troyan Alina held practical classes in the same discipline.

   Associate Professor Gogulya Olga and Senior Lecturer Krystyna Dramaretska held lectures and practical classes at the discipline "Management" for students of the 2nd year of the 1st group of the Faculty Economics specialty 051 "Economics".
   They noted almost one hundred percent presence of students, as well as their activity and interest in the content of disciplines.

   Also, associate professor Gogulya O. during the first two classes held practical classes in the discipline "Strategic Management" for students of the 4th year of Agrarian Management Faculty.
   Associate Professor Drahnieva Nataliia conducted meaningful practical classes of the discipline "Management of an Enterprise" for students of the 3rd year of the 2nd group of the specialty "Management"

   Associate Professor Novak Olexander held at the proper level practical class at the discipline "Leadership" for students of the 4th year Faculty of Agrarian Management. A lecture for masters of 1 year of study in selective discipline "Management and Marketing in Agribusiness" was also done.
   All students were extremely pleased with the successful beginning of the academic semester and took an active part in classes and also discussed practical cases.


Alina Troian,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management named after Prof. J. Zavadsky
Translated by Tetiana Artiukh


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