Results of International Conference “Preparation of Water Resources Atlas: Goals, Content and Partners”

February 15, 2012

    An international German-Ukrainian conference “Preparation of Water Resources Atlas: Goals, Content and Partners” took place at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The conference was devoted to problems of water resources mapping and the factors that influence it. Among the agenda there also was discussion of prospects of German-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of modeling and estimation of environmental conditions, such as soil, water and forest resources and ecological conditions of basin systems, as well as optimizing of environmental management.
   The conference brought together many participants among which the delegation of German scientists from Dresden University of Technology and representatives from leading Ukrainian universities such as National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko         National University of Kiev, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Research Institute, National Aviation University, Central Geophysical Observatory. Reports by prof. K. Bernhofer, prof. J. Schanze, prof.  K. Schwarzl (Germany)  and by prof. I. Kovalchuk, prof. A. Mikhnovich, prof.  Ju. Nabivanets, prof. V. Osadchyi, prof. V. Hrebin, prof. V. Snizhko, prof. V. Vyshnevskyi and prof. I. Kruglov (Ukraine) aroused great interest.
   But for that, the suggestions concerning the structure of the future atlas, the body of its executors and the search of financial support were considered.
    Moreover, the perspectives of cooperation and preparation of common projects for participation in the EU Grant Contest were covered. As a result, the participants came to an agreement on several common projects concerning mapping of condition and functioning of basin systems, basin management and protection of soil and water resources.
German counterparts were agreeably surprised by the high-quality reports of Ukrainian scientists, perfect arrangement of the conference, prominent attention toward the conference from the side of university management and wonderful service provided by the Department of Scientific and Technical Support and the Business Training Centre of University Catering. Postgraduate students of the Department of Geodesy and Mapping N.    Lischuk and K. Shcherbak and assistant professors A. Mihnovich, I. Kruglov, O. Mkrtchyan (Lviv University) successfully coped with the roles of interpreters.
    Next two conferences are supposed to take place in October-November, 2012, in Germany (Dresden, Tharandt). Ukrainian delegation is invited to participate. NUBiP will be represented at these conferences by prof. I. Kovalchuk and postgraduate student N. Lischuk.

Co-chairman of organizing committee,
Prof. I. Kovalchuk

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