The 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works on philosophy was held at the department of philosophy of NULES of Ukraine

April 20, 2020

For the purpose of forming the creative generation of young scientists and analysts, to promote the realization of their creative abilities and to activate the research work of students, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine No. 1271 of 04.10.2019 «On holding the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the fields of knowledge and specialties in 2019/2020” on the basis of the department of philosophy of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, the II (final) round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the field of philosophy was conducted.

51 entries have been submitted to the contest. 54 students from 37 higher education institutions competed in the philosophy championship in the field of philosophy. It is a pleasure that the contest brought together participants from different regions of Ukraine, including Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lviv, Mariupol and Chernivtsi, Sumy and Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk and Uman, Rivne and Dnipro, Mykolaiv and Uzhgorod, Cherkasy and Severodonetsk, Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr, Poltava and Lutsk. Philosophy has become a unifying source for young scholars of the Center, East and West, North and South of Ukraine.

The Competition's branch committee consisted of high-quality specialists-scientists from different Ukrainian universities. The chairman of the commission was the rector of NULES of Ukraine, academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of pedagogical sciences Stanislav Mykolayovych Nikolaevko, deputy chairmen – the dean of the faculty of philosophy of the T. Shevchenko National University of Ukraine, professor Anatoliy Konverskyi, dean of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics of NULES of Ukraine Vasyl Shynkaruk and the head of the department of philosophy of NULES of Ukraine Inna Mykolaivna Savytska. Among the members of the commission there are the dean of the philosophical faculty of Yu. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University O. Brodetskyi, doctors of philosophy V. Zahorodniuk (professor of the Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine), Pavlova O.Yu. (professor, department of ethics, aesthetics and cultural studies, T. Shevchenko National University), Yu. P. Chornomorets (professor of the department of theology and religious studies of Drahomanov NPU), Khrystokin H.V. (acting director of the educational and scientific Institute of humanities, University of the state fiscal service of Ukraine), Popov V.Yu. (professor of V. Stus Donetsk National University), Doychyk M.V. (head of the department of philosophy, sociology and religious studies at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University), professor S.V. Storozhuk, associate professors S. Shkil, V.P. Kultenko, T.V. Danylova (department of philosophy of NULES of Ukraine).

The thematic palette of competition works pleased with the variety and relevance. The contestants have dedicated their work to classical philosophical issues – freedom, love, life and death, human religiosity, tolerance and humanism, alienation, loneliness, beauty, philosophy of science and technology, social utopia and nanosociety, and current problems of today. Among the most interesting topics were: philosophical understanding of the problem of war and peace, weapons, patriotic qualities of a modern officer, the formation of legal culture of the population of Ukraine, problems of ecology, national feminism and gender matrix, the theory of John Kehoe's motivation, problems of physicality and everyday life, desire and physicality, desire philosophical and educational problems of the culture of thinking, inclusive learning, bulling, the role of the instructor in the organization of the educational process, philosophical and psychological and anthropological problems.

Pursuant to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 211 of March 11, 2020 “On Prevention of COVID-19 Coronavirus Distribution in the Territory of Ukraine”, in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1 / 9-178 of March 27, 2020, the letter of the State Scientific Institution “Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education”, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №22.1 / 10-778 of March 31, 2020 “Concerning the conduct of intellectual student activities”, the results were summarized according to the results of the first stage of the second round of the Contest – rating list of scientific works.

Therefore, because of the tense epidemiological situation in Ukraine and in the world, the 2nd round of the Contest took place remotely. Quarantine prevented the finalists from visiting the capital, getting acquainted with the beauties of our university and seeking victory in public. Therefore, the branch commission selected the winners based on the content and quality of the competition works, the level of their scientific, the originality of the opinions expressed, the level of theoretical and practical significance of the stated topics. The panel meeting to summarize was held online. The members of the commission stressed that all the presented works are relevant for the development of philosophical science in Ukraine and are of considerable practical importance.

According to the decision of the sectoral commission, 13 works were finalized. The winners (diploma of the first degree) won the following points: Hrudev M.A. (Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture) – work "Mandala as a philosophical and natural symbol"; Kuznetsov A.A. (M.P. Drahomanov NPU) – work "Metamorphoses of consumption in the philosophical heritage of J. Bodriyar", Sarzhan Yu.O. (Lutsk National Technical University), work – "The problem of weapons: an attempt of social and philosophical analysis." Four works got diplomas of the second degree: “Patriotic qualities of an officer: the essence and actual problems of formation” (A.A. Mykhailov, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of the Air Force), “The phenomenon of bulling and the value of inclusive practices in the educational and philosophical space of Ukrainian philosophical space» (K.R. Dovha, Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv), «Philosophical study of legal culture formation in the context of problems of the Ukrainian present» (Artemchuk E.A., NULES of Ukraine, faculty for humanities and pedagogics, “International relations”), “Moral and philosophical problems of euthanasia” (Ivasiv S.V., SHEE “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”). Six works received third degree diplomas: "Foundations of Ukrainian national feminism" (N. Starchenko, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University), "Martin Heidegger's anthropological context of philosophy of technology" (I.M. Bohdanets, Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University), “Experience and perspectives of inclusive learning in the education system of Ukraine: a philosophical analysis” (Bashynska A.O., NULES of Ukraine, faculty for humanities and pedagogics, “Vocational education”), “Philosophical grounds of popular motivation theories of John Kehoe "(Orlenko R.V., Novak M.A., National University "Yuriy Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"), "Interpretation of freedom in social philosophy of J. Sartre and E. Froma" (A.M. Melnyk, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv), "Pre-death words: fear or something else?" (E.A. Hodun, Odessa Mechnikov National University). We thank all the participants, the leaders for their talents, abilities, perseverance and perseverance to decorate life with the light of reason and philosophical wisdom!

We sincerely congratulate the winners of the All-Ukrainian student philosophy research contest and wish them creative inspiration, new peaks and professional growth!

Valentyna Kultenko,
assistant secretary of the Contest, associate professor of the department of philosophy


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