NUBiP ecologists deepen international cooperation
Today's environmental problems require cooperation and exchange of experience between experts from all countries and continents. Thus, in early June 2022, representatives of the Department of Agrosphere Ecology and Environmental Control of the Faculty of Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology, Associate Professor Maryna Ladyka and Professor Volodymyr Starodubtsev took part in SCERIN-8 virtual workshop “Satellite remote sensing for forest management and ecosystem health, floods, droughts and forest fires in the context of climate change”.
SCERIN is one of the regional networks of the GOFC-GOLD panel. GOFC-GOLD (Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics) is a panel of GTOS. GTOS (Global Terrestrial Observing System) is a programme for observations, modelling, and analysis of terrestrial ecosystems to support sustainable development. SCERIN (originally SEERIN) is an informal network of scientists and other professionals based in the region or with scientific interests in the region of South Eastern and Central Europe.
1) water resources management and impact on soil cover (river basins, reservoirs, dams) (supervisors: V. Starodubtsev, I. Pilas, V. Lagutov);
2) land use change: decline of agriculture, urban expansion (supervisors: G. Taff, L. Kupková, P. Stych);
3) forest monitoring: forest management, forest health and functioning, forest disturbance and biomass (supervisors: M. Nita, J. Albrechtová, I. Sachkov);
4) network of confirmation / verification of methods (supervisors: L. Filchev, I. Manakos, A. Halabuk, P. Campbell).
- Providing a platform for collaboration among experts in geospatial information technologies in the region;
- Building regional capacity for using remote sensing and other geospatial technologies to study key LCLUC processes;
- Fostering regional collaborations to monitor the dynamics, stability, and vulnerability of landscapes, communities, and ecosystems amidst change; and
- Promoting effective strategies for sustainable management of landscapes at local, regional, and pan-Eurasian scales.
Associate Professor of the Department of Agrosphere Ecology and Environmental Control ,
Vladimir Starodubtsev,
Professor of the Department of Agrosphere Ecology and Environmental Control