Expanding cooperation with foreign universities: Professor Maryna Navalna gave a lecture to the students of the University of Warsaw

November 4, 2022
    The Department of Journalism and Language Communication of NUBiP of Ukraine is expanding cooperation with foreign higher education institutions. This year's negotiations turned out to be really fruitful. The Department of Ukrainian Studies of the University of Warsaw invited Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Maryna Navalna to give lectures as a part of the Winter School.

    This event was planned for March, but was postponed to October. Dr. Maryna Navalna gave a lecture “Influence of non-linguistic factors on the vocabulary (based on the language of Ukrainian mass media)”, focusing on some groups of vocabulary that were updated or entered circulation in 2022: lexemes to denote strains of the coronavirus infection and words denoting military objects, processes and states. The lecturer focused attention on groups of normative words, as well as substandard vocabulary, which create a distinct emotional load, in particular negative, in the language of Ukrainian mass media.

    - The lecture, which was supposed to take place in March, has somewhat lost its relevance, - the professor noted, - because the language of the Ukrainian mass media is developing very dynamically, and under the influence of this year's non-linguistic factors even more so. The sources and trends have changed so much that some parts of the lecture had to be changed in order to present reliable information from modern mass media speech processes.



    The students were interested not only in language processes, but also in democratic processes in modern mass media and in Ukraine, in general. Synonymous cases in the language, the expediency of using feminitives in various functional styles and genres of journalism, means of countering hostile propaganda were paid significant attention.


Maryna Navalna,
Professor of the Department of Journalism and Language Communication



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